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Everything posted by Davichko5650

  1. Everybody's babbling about Bob's bountiful bargain-basement butterknife bonanza!!!!
  2. see below - the wailing of the "Ive been a ham for XX years, I had to test at FCC, I had to copy 300 wpm (interestingly enough, I have been a ham for 32 years now - was Tech+ for 28 of them) cat·er·waul /ˈkadərˌwôl/ verb gerund or present participle: caterwauling make a shrill howling or wailing noise like that of a cat. "he seems to think that singing soulfully is to whine and caterwaul tunelessly"
  3. The MIdland I get being the owner of the reasonably crappy MXT275 (older version, no split tones just when I started using repeaters) But have been mulling over the Retevis RA87 vs the Radddddioity Da40. More budget friendly at this time that a Wuoxun 1000. What's the story one these two?
  4. I've seen your hands on those videos, I'm not so sure SOC radio disassembly would be your forte?
  5. We use them at work, but not for GMRS of course. UHF P25 system with encryption.
  6. Best advise you ever gave - the MXTA26 is most excellent at putting out the Farsssss!
  7. GMRS: In the Exploder: Retevis RA87. Midland MXTA26 antenna Home, DB20-G soon to be delivered KB9VBR J-Pole Home/Portable (off-road spotting/recovery) Midland LXT600 GMRS/FRS (only radio wifeypoo cares to ever touch!) Radioddity GM-30 HT Ham Stuff: Home: Yaesu FT-450D - TYT UV380 DMR a couple BooFwangs - Comet CHA250B Vertical @ 35ft Exploder: Yaesu FT-891 with ATAS120A antenna and Kenwood TM-281a - Comet dualband, forget the model # WRJG283/N0TXW
  8. 47 CFR 97.1751 c (1) (2) states: (c) Any GMRS repeater station is not required to transmit station identification if: (1) It retransmits only communications from GMRS stations operating under authority of the individual license under which it operates; and, (2) The GMRS stations whose communications are retransmitted are properly identified in accordance with this section. If the above is met, repeater does not need to ID
  9. #) they are assuming (ya, I know...) that the users of the repeaters will properly ID themselves and as such the repeater does not have to transmit an ID
  10. Have been of late listening to channels 1-7 and 15-22, plus the repeaters progreammed in, on my mobile GMRS rig. A lot of activity on channels 1-3-4 7. Channels 4 and 7 have a local school near my house, very short range. Channel 7 is being used by a nursing home, based on the traffic I'm hearing. 1 and 3 have a few users, sounds like family or family businesses, but in Hmong and Spanish, not fluent enough in either to get the gist of the conversations. Never a call sign, so imagine they're all on FRS radios. Occasionally hear a couple of guys talking on 7, using GMRS callsigns, rarely hear anything on 15 and up except occasional repeater conversations, including my own. Wife and I use Ch. 8 at home around the spread (.75 acre City Lot in TC area) Maybe CU on the radio, Dave WRJG283
  11. The tests really are not that hard if you've got some background in radio. A friend of mine did Tech and General in one sitting and his "Elmer" (mentor) said that was "precision studying" when he scored perfect on Tech and missed 2 for the General. However you work it to get that ticket, do it. But cue the SadHam caterwauling about a) 13 wpm code and b) traveling to some FCC office and c) how much easier the tests are now... Many elements of ham radio and GMRS are not mutually exclusive, and it's never a bad thing to have one more tool in that toolbox! Dave WRJG283/N0TXW
  12. Might be my crappy cut & paste or some other thing. But easy enough to find online I would think. Basically exempts Hams, School bus drivers and commercial drivers covered under the 49 CFR regs. Nothing I could see excluding GMRS or other services though. Good news is I don't plan on driving to or through PA in the near or far future. Bad news is, other clown in other state legislatures may pick up this ball and run with it. The MN law passed a couple years back exempted two way radios...
  13. here's the link to see the entire bill: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=PDF&sessYr=2023&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=0037&pn=1588
  14. I copies this out of the senate bill: according to this wording - Hams are actually not included as it states that a "wireless communications device does not include: (4) A MOBILE OR HANDHELD RADIO BEING USED BY A PERSON WITH AN AMATEUR RADIO STATION LICENSE ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION; Got this from the bill dated 5-6-24.
  15. There's been talk from the ARRL on down about changes to the Tech. license, allowing them more than a couple spots on CW below 10 and the 10m band allocations they now have, easier entry into the hobby, etc., and man, you can see the SH's queuing up to unleash the venomous comments. Go to any hamfest and look at the attendees and tell my that hobby is growing and still in good stead. The Preppers are getting that Tech. license and sitting on it, that's certainly not growing the hobby. Granted, there are exceptions, I know several younger men and women in the hobby, but we geriatrics far outnumber them!
  16. This rule, as far as I know, harkens back to the good old days when GMRS was in its infancy; Basically prohibiting the use of Autopatches which were prevalent on many 2m Ham Repeaters. Used them myself on occasion back in the day - cue "I've been a Ham for 30 years" speech. The now ubiquitous cell phone pretty much killed them off, although there are a couple in my area still out there...
  17. Seems to be close to all they're doing these days! Pages and pages or Pirate notices. Most seem to be FM. The Roger Wahl thing though....
  18. Forgot to ask where you hang your Mic? I do as Dan mentions, monitor Ch 20, but usually listening on Metro 4 and Falcon Hgts machines. Not a lot of traffic, but get an occasional chat in there! Dave WRJG283
  19. Good to see you on here Dan. Have to bend yer ear at the next Hams in the Park, looking for recommends for upgrading my mobile GMRS radio - outgrowing the limitations of the MXT275. It's okay, but need split tones and more repeater programmability. Pretty much replied already to this thread on FB, so won't repeat that here. Dave WRJG283/N0TXW
  20. Getting into using it here in the Metro more myself. Have a couple of the repeaters in. BUt looking to upgrade beyond the MXT275 as I need split tones and more than the 8 repeater channels!. Mostly have been using GMRS up north out of cell phone range for mobile to base and marine mobile to base comms with Wifeypoo, and a bit of commo at home when in various parts of the slightly bigger than normal city lot. Hope to "see you on the radio" Dave WRJG283 (ex WQUR589 - long story...)
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