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Everything posted by WSCU465

  1. On AirSpy SDR#, you're able to add a "spectrum slice" to monitor another frequency by clicking on the " +" icon. At least this is what I found out, I'm new to it as well. It's cool stuff.
  2. LOL! I didn't see the time stamp. My bad! But still you guys are all funny!
  3. This post is starting to sound like CB radio smack talk. Hilarious!
  4. I have it running my Ubuntu Linux. Just go to the respiratory of your OS and install. There may be an apt install method. It's easy, just a few commands.
  5. Another option is to get your Ham Radio Tech license, this will open up more privileges as a radio hobbyist. Then you can use repeaters in digital modes like D-Star, C4FM, DMR, etc to talk all over the nation or the world for that matter. Honestly, you're not bound to traditional analog repeaters anymore.
  6. Guys, just a quick question... Similar to ham radio repeaters; is there any coordination involved to prevent interference from one repeater to another? I know you set PL Tones on the input/output but my question is more for permanent installations. Sorry I'm new to GMRS.
  7. I find it amazing that they actually add 6 meters on a hand held.
  8. It doesn't matter what class of license you have, in the end we're all radio hobbyist!
  9. I didn't know there was a market for 10 and 6 meter HT's. Very interesting!
  10. Just to put my two cents here. Communication of hundreds of miles depends on many propagation factors for 10 and 6 Meters. You have to wait until the band conditions open up. A handheld will not do much justice, you need a HF Rig or good mobile radio, but most importantly a good antenna. Quite honestly, I don't they manufacture handhelds for those bands. At least not in the U.S. I could be wrong, lol
  11. Congrats!! It's fun stuff, I'm currently studying for my General Class license. That means you can be a General anytime now.
  12. Guys, it's just a website just like this one. What if the tables were turned? We're all vulnerable without proper security measures. lol
  13. I thought I ask because there are repeater questions everywhere, yes, in all forums, but no dedicated section to ask technical questions.
  14. Hello Everyone, Quick question for the site moderators... I've noticed in most sections, there's a question regarding hardware, software or technical question about repeaters. Shouldn't it have its own section or category?
  15. It depends on your use case. If you want more transmitting modes (AM, FM, SSB, FSK, FT8,etc) , larger frequency range, ability to do world wide communications, building or experimenting with radios, do contesting, etc - Then hands down HAM radio is better choice. If you just want a simple radio that you can use for short range communication, perhaps hit a few local repeaters, talk to people a few miles away, no tests, no brainer - then FRS/GMRS is better for this. Off topic, to coin the phrase lightly - Just like the Matrix Movie - Red Pill (Ham Raido), You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Blue Pill - (GMRS) You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
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