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About BlackJack082978

  • Birthday 08/29/1978

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  1. I have noticed currently that the only one I have ever heard active at the moment since getting my gmrs liscense has been the K4FL which according to google maps is only 7 miles from where I am currently living. That being said now having passed my ham tech finding repeaters that are active or even clubs in this area hasnt returned any results as of yet.
  2. Actualy like Steve said if you reach out, which most times unless your in an area like me, I have noticed most hams are more then willing to respond pretty quickly.
  3. Good Morning, New to GMRS in general even though i have used radios my entire life starting with CB, moved to emergency services radios on FD, then after my wife passed decided me and my son needed a hobbie so of course went with GMRS to get my feet wet so to speak while preping for my ham liscense. Finding out GMRS near where i am is slightly non exsistant though with my area not being covered in the MYGMRS websight search part lol...
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