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About WSDD439

  • Birthday June 19

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  • Location
    Flushing, MI
  • Interests
    UofM Grad, so everything][V][ichigan !

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  1. Back in the “olden days”, I kinda liked the Browning “squeal”, when it keyed up ! Everyone knew what you had…
  2. I live in central Michigan, and I talk to Loraine, Ohio (near Cleveland), all the time, on a TidRadio H-3 & H-8. If conditions are right, your signal can just about bounce anywhere.
  3. I have the Tidradio H-3 and H-8, both with the Nagoya 771 antenna. And a backup antenna Diamond SRJ77CA. I spare no expense for my equipment !
  4. I can’t believe I fell for getting Rick-Rolled !!
  5. I’d have to say, that I’ve been very fortunate. 99% of the hams that I’ve talked to have been very nice and pretty much outgoing, willing to help out with a question whenever they can. Heck, I’d say that 70% or more on the GMRS network here, also have their ham license(s).
  6. There’s 6-7 repeaters in the Detroit Metro area….
  7. Our network uses 462.6250, in Detroit and 462. 6750 in Mt. Clemens, plenty of room. Our frequencies are pretty wide open for use, even for the little guy, if he chooses so.
  8. Or those, that read five pages and complain about those that complain. That makes sense.
  9. Absolutely. If you’re in an area that has multiple GMRS repeater networks, then I can see your point. Thin the herd. Here in Michigan, our system, uses one frequency in Detroit, one a little north, one in Flint, one in Mayville, Saginaw and Cheboygan. There’s plenty of room, if you don’t want to use our repeater system.
  10. Take two aspirin, and come back to the forum, tomorrow. PS I’m no doctor, but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express, once…..
  11. Yeah, I’m not arguing either. I’m just saying that there’s plenty of room for everyone, no matter what your flavor is.
  12. And the repeater is using one frequency per area. A user can use that frequency or go to another one, without a repeater.
  13. https://imgur.com/a/dhWJY08 nice Mustang by the way !!
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