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About WSDD439

  • Birthday June 19

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  • Location
    Flushing, MI
  • Interests
    UofM Grad, so everything][V][ichigan !

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  1. I talk all over the State of Michigan, with my H-3 and H-8 ! Couldn’t be more happy with mine !
  2. SO,,,,,,,,,turn that stupid radio OFF, unless you're talking to someone you are related to or are friends with. The Prime Minister has spoken !
  3. Mine in Flint, Michigan, has a CW tone, once an hour.
  4. I have both the H-3 and H-8, and couldn’t be happier with them ! Fortunately, I live near a fantastic repeater, and I talk all over the place. They work so well, I don’t plan on having a GMRS base station.
  5. Welcome aboard ! GMRS can be both fun, and an emergency mode of communication. So far, it’s all been fun for me. Prayers for you in NC !!
  6. Yup, first, check out your area. You could luck out like me, and talk all over the place with a H-3 & H-8 Tidradio, because I have a fantastic repeater !
  7. I finally found a stock picture of that base station, a 13-880B, it was quite the radio back in the 1970’s……
  8. I like the Pontiac LeMans in the driveway !!
  9. That’s better !
  10. Our “set up”, back in the ‘80’s ! Midland 23ch with SSB and a “VFO”, to get to channel 40, and higher ( that’s where you’d find me ! ), a 750watt linear, and a D-104 desk mic. This was hooked to a Super Penetrator ( standby ), and a four element quad beam for skip ! FUN TIMES !!
  11. Back in the “olden days”, I kinda liked the Browning “squeal”, when it keyed up ! Everyone knew what you had…
  12. I live in central Michigan, and I talk to Loraine, Ohio (near Cleveland), all the time, on a TidRadio H-3 & H-8. If conditions are right, your signal can just about bounce anywhere.
  13. I have the Tidradio H-3 and H-8, both with the Nagoya 771 antenna. And a backup antenna Diamond SRJ77CA. I spare no expense for my equipment !
  14. I can’t believe I fell for getting Rick-Rolled !!
  15. I’d have to say, that I’ve been very fortunate. 99% of the hams that I’ve talked to have been very nice and pretty much outgoing, willing to help out with a question whenever they can. Heck, I’d say that 70% or more on the GMRS network here, also have their ham license(s).
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