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  1. Does the 935 have the ability to scan a nearby transmitting radios frequency and privacy code? Like the UV-5G Plus "one touch" button feature, or holding down "1" on a td-h3?
  2. For those who may be interested, I did extend the receiving frequency of the 935 using CHIRP, and it worked. No issues and I've picked up transmissions on the previously unavailable frequency.
  3. Negative, haven't had a chance yet. I emailed buytwowayradios.com to get their opinion and received the following reply: "It's hard to say conclusively as that is very close to the factory limit. It's unlikely that the radio will be damaged merely by receiving a transmission. More often than not transmitting on bands the radio is not built for will either just not work, or work badly and damage the unit. I do want you to be aware though that using the radio on bands it's not rated for will void the warranty." Which is essentially what the replies I received here are.
  4. I'll try in CHIRP, I just wanted to confirm no damage to the radio could occur.
  5. I just attempted to enter 484.400 via the keypad and same result, I got a double beep and a reset to 400.0250.
  6. Before I asked the question I programmed channel 999 with 484.400 via CHIRP (before I realized the frequency limits). After the settings were uploaded I looked at the Channel 999 in Frequency mode and the frequency displayed was 400.0250, so there appears to be some automatic reset of the frequency if the programmed frequency exceeds that for which the radio is specified.
  7. I'm trying to set up my 935 to receive a few surrounding town public safety frequencies. One of them falls beyond the specified limit in the manual (Receive (RX) Frequency Range: 136-174.995 MHz 400-479.995 MH). The frequency I need to program is 484.400. I noticed in CHIRP there is a section called "Frequency Limit" that appears to be adjustable. Can I adjust the upper frequency of the 935 in CHIRP without risking damage to the radio, and am I running afoul of the FCC given that radio was certified (or whatever the term is) at the specified frequency range?
  8. Holy programming cable confusion batman. When I got my first Baofeng UV5R (~6 years ago) the recommendation was a genuine one with an FTDI chip, which I did, and since have misplaced. From what I see, for the combination of radios I have it (Wouxun/Baofeng) I would need a PCO-001/009 for the Wouxun and a PC03 for the Baofengs. But then I'm seeing some things about these cables being incompatible with Windows 11, which is all I have. What cable(s) do I need to program these radios?
  9. I meant to write "usable range" i.e. range that actually allows me to speak to someone, not just open the repeater.
  10. Hi all, new to the forum here. Some of my questions may seem elementary, but I'm also new to GMRS (planning on getting my HAM license in the near future), so be understanding. I recently jumped full force into the GMRS hobby. Got my license and bought five radios within a week (family of 5). I got a Wouxun KG-935G Plus as a daily driver for myself, two Baofeng UV-9G, and two Baofeng UV-5G Plus for the family, and a Radioddity GM-30 spare. All but the Wouxun were bundles that came with the standard 5.5" and longer 15.5" (Baofeng RA-MD2 for the UV-9g and Radioddity RD-332 for the GM-30, haven't received the UV-5G radios so not sure what those are). As I understand, AGL and LOS are the most important factors when it comes to range, and the antenna used a relatively distant second. But if given the choices I have, and usable range is what I'm after, is the longer antenna preferred? Are the antennas I have even correctly tuned? Another question I have is what setting need to be adjusted via CHIRP or other software to get the best range and usability. For example I've seen specific squelch settings using CHIRP being recommended for the Baofeng. Are there other things that should be adjusted?
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