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    Napa valley

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  1. Why is the santa rosa Ca. repeater TOTO{ wseq226} always changing the freq. and the pl tones..this is the at least the third time..I requested perm. to use the repeater..no responce..just wondering ????
  2. Does anyone know if the napa ca. Mt Veeder repeater is still on line. [ WQBK788 ] I had to dig around, it was not on the main map, I had to turn on the show offline,and the show stale repeaters to find it.it says on line..permis. required. I sent in a request...no answer as of yet.. ...just wondering ???
  3. I got mine via email, also went to the web site as well.......[ that was fun ]
  4. It's your hard earned money......buy what ever you damn see fit to buy !!!!!!
  5. People have lives, they work, they have other business to take care of,ect.....if they do talk to who ever then it's by cell phone...radio is way down on the list of things to do. that's why it's quiet......gmrs/ ham repeaters the same....it is what it is...People will start talking at some point,when things in this country start getting better..
  6. Most repeaters ham/gmrs are going to be quiet 90% of the time....that's just the way it is now.....sad but true.
  7. I have a better way for family use only....it's called a CELL PHONE.
  8. Sounds like he was on simplex with a CTCSS tone...Keep trying you'll finger it out..
  9. Mine works fine for me...
  10. Just talk as you always do...no big deal.....
  11. I will keep mine on......oh well !!..
  12. Be aware some repeaters may not be active....there are some in my area (napa valley) that have not been updated by owner in 14 years???
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