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    Logan5 reacted in Repeater Building 101   
    Yes it is,I have watched a youtube video where someone actually did this,here is the video of a completed repeater.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFVkczJKzVA also  here is the link where you get the instructions to build it. http://www.repeater-builder.com/kenwood/pdfs/tk-805-wiring.pdf
  2. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in Repeater Building 101   
    New member Earl mentioned the fine Kenwood TK-805d radios in a review thread.
    Just wondering out loud:   Is it possible to use two Kenwood radios to construct a good quality repeater?   I have seen this done with a few Motorola models, but not so much from the Kenwood line.
    If anyone has experience in setting up home-brew repeaters made from Kenwood equipment, please let us know what's involved regarding >  model numbers, cabling, accessories, programming, duplexer set up and interfaces if needed. 
    Thank you.
  3. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in FCC action that may affect GMRS users and repeaters.   
    The Forum Staff has been given an assurance by un-named members, that by reopening this thread, no additional hints of a superiority attitude will be present. We are opening this thread again for civil exchanges and we thank everyone for their patience while this situation was worked out.
    Moderation Staff
  4. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    I thought about doing that on my property but have decided to go w/tower instead.
  5. Like
    Logan5 reacted in I lost a good friend and a future HAM Saturday   
    My condolences Logan,I know what you are dealing with have been through this many times in my life and career.
  6. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Shriekmau in I lost a good friend and a future HAM Saturday   
    My condolences. I lost my best friend to a car accident several years ago. I know how bad it hurts. You, your family, and his are in our prayers.
  7. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Shriekmau in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    Very nice! Sorry I haven't been checking in, been sick all weekend. Leave it to me to get sick on my long weekend! At least it wasn't while I was on vacation.
  8. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from Shriekmau in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    Yes, I have a plan to make it retractable to just below the tree canopy. I also plan to install 3 pullys to attach at the 35 to 40 foot level, This will act to stabilize it in both the fully erect position as well as the mid retracted position for storms. it is locked into the tree fork at the 20 foot level already and all connections to the tree will be strong non penetrating. not to mention the base stake, is a 10 foot channel rail driven 6 feet into the ground. I got this neato stake driver from home depot, makes short work of it. also handy to have for Emergency antenna deployment. I need to head out and do some propagation checks. but I don't feel like driving, much less in the rain. I still have much work to do, but so far so good. Thank you Pastor Gary, is nice to have the Storm updates, and your input. Thank you William and JohnE for your technical knowledge and JeremyM for the motivation to get started on this project. also a half dozen other myGMRS users for their input as well. More update and pictures to come.   
  9. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from Shriekmau in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    ok, one more time.   http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/WQQT630/library/?sort=3&page=1
  10. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in I lost a good friend and a future HAM Saturday   
    Logan - We will keep the family and friends in our prayers at this time of sadness as well as for your loss of a friend.  God bless...
  11. Like
    Logan5 reacted to captdan in I lost a good friend and a future HAM Saturday   
       So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.  I will keep him in my prayers today.
  12. Like
    Logan5 got a reaction from JohnE in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    ok, one more time.   http://s1296.photobucket.com/user/WQQT630/library/?sort=3&page=1
  13. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in Equipment Question from a 'Newbie'   
    I re checked both of my plotting maps you actually might hear it at your location, but I'm betting it will be pretty crappy.
  14. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in MANY THANKS !!   
    On behalf of Rich D., William and myself, we would like to thank everyone who is participating in this forum. We have an excellent membership and the sharing of knowledge between members is making this forum one of the best places on the Net to get quality information about radio systems and specifically GMRS.
    Thank you all and if you know any licensed operators who are not yet registered at the main site, please tell them about us.
  15. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in FCC action that may affect GMRS users and repeaters.   
    After reading the text, I can say that because of the band separation and their narrowband request as presented, there would be no affect to GMRS operations.  That being said, since there are MANY VHF Part 90 frequencies available again because of users going to 700 and 800 systems before January 01, 2013, the petitioner would be well served to look at VHF High Band where more space is available now - for even VHF trunking.
  16. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Shriekmau in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    Glad I could be of assistance  . My better half and I received confirmation from our respective places of employment for vacation approval. The dates are in stone at this point. We will depart NW FL the morning of the 14th and should arrive around 10 hours later. We will be making our way home on the 21st or 22nd.
  17. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in Question for New England members -   
    to the best of my knowledge there were no GMRS repeaters there but there was a HAM IIRC in the 900Mc or 1.2Gc range. the antenna's weren't on the up on the farm they were inside facing out the windows.
    I had been up there many time but never personally saw it, I was told about it by another tech that worked the site.
  18. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in Equipment Question from a 'Newbie'   
    your not going to hear or hit it from your location. what it would take to maybe hear it would be a 40' mast and a 6 element yagi pointed at the site according to the mapping software. I think thats being fairly optimistic though.
    I have not done the inverse to see what it would take for you to hit it cleanly. I do kn ow there is one member who can hit it from Scarsdale off the side of his yagi and another from Peekskill on very rare occasions and he's running a 45W mobile, unknown type of antenna though.
    listen to it and see what you get. the call sign and system name go out every 1/2 hr as a morse ID. I also "time stamp"during the day. activity around 12-1 PM and again 4;30-6PM
  19. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    I'll have to remember that one.
    now let see what you get out of it.
  20. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Billy in Question for New England members -   
    I could not tell you for sure.  Having been there I can tell you that 90% of the cell phone service was down as well as a good portion of the civil service radio networks (Police, Fire, etc.).   But, that is what got me into the GMRS, as a backup.   
  21. Like
    Logan5 reacted to Billy in Equipment Question from a 'Newbie'   
    I think the first thing is to find out what area he would like to cover, the purpose and budget.  A small repeater system like mine (WB725NY) which is a small emergency repeater can be put up for less than $400.   Something with the coverage of ERS650NY now that is another story.  
  22. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in Question for New England members -   
    We all remember the devastating scenes that took place on September 11, 2001.
    Construction projects at ground zero are coming along well, as I understand it.
    May I ask if anyone here knows if there were any GMRS systems involved in that destruction?
    Thank you and as we approach the 12th anniversary of that sad day, please keep the victims and first responder families in your prayers... the healing goes slowly.........................
  23. Like
    Logan5 reacted to PastorGary in New install for FTL600, Hoffman environmental enclosure with termoelectric cooling   
    Logan - "PET" alligators at all 4 corners of the property might get her attention...
    I can give you the phone number for "Alligators R' Us"........

  24. Like
    Logan5 reacted to wqrz502 in Repeater usage   
    Oh, and Logan, my thinking is that somewhere down the line, I'll probably look at building a cheap as possible repeater for family use, and it's interesting that you use the BF 888 for that. Or two of them, from what I gather from what I'm reading? At only about 25 bucks a whack new on Amazon, they seem like a pretty good deal. I know there's other stuff involved, but that's down the road a bit. We're looking at vacating CA within a year or two, living in a a RV park until we settle in permanently, preferably in the SE, and that might be a possibility for our own communications. Too much to learn, and not a long enough lifespan.
  25. Like
    Logan5 reacted to JohnE in 462.675 MHz NJ   
    the owner had shut it down for a while about a yr ago, then set it to low power w.short hang. it was put back not too long ago. there has been a long standing feud thing going on for some time there.
    it a shame its a good machine w/decent NYC coverage. I also have a good idea where it located, not an easy place to get into.
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