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Everything posted by WRCR724

  1. Do it. See how it works. The worst that could happen is that you're not happy with the results. Experimenting with antenna installations is part of the fun.
  2. Larson.
  3. I'm willing to bet that the OP gave up on GMRS and also this forum.
  4. I thought that at first too. But from what I saw in the manual, the MAIN on the display shows you what area is currently active. @brasda91 I would maybe send the picture to the retailer that you purchased the radio from in the meantime. Who knows, you may actually receive a reply.
  5. I also think that with the right equipment, a repeater can have more than one tone. One tone can activate a time-out timer while another tone can bypass the timer. I think I saw a repeater set up like that years ago somewhere.
  6. I may not be correct, but this is the way that I understand things. The time out timer on a repeater is affected by the input signal. In other words, it will time out if a carrier is detected on the input side of things for x amount of time. So if a repeater emits a roger beep to let everyone know that the person that was talking has now stopped, that also tells the repeater that it no longer recognizes a carrier signal coming in on the input side. If following the beep is a 5 second squelch tail, that's the repeater transmitting without a carrier present on the input side. Does that make sense? If all of that is correct, a repeater set with a roger beep followed by a 5 second squelch tail shouldn't time out unless someone is long winded beyond the specified time.
  7. Which repeater is the one in question? If we can all look at it, we can first make sure you have everything correctly programmed into your radio.
  8. I don't see anything listed in the manual and haven't been able to find the same thing doing a Google image search. Can it be programmed with chirp? Has it been programmed with chirp? If so, maybe there's something in there that affects it. Does it only show on channel 33? Maybe trying programming a priority channel and see if it changes to that new priority channel.
  9. I was actually taught the opposite from several Elmers. If the repeater is properly set up, you should hear a roger beep followed by about 5 seconds of hang time before the carrier drops. That five seconds should be long enough for someone else to break in or for you to key up again before the carrier drops. The logic is that the repeated back and forth of the tx and rx are more harmful to the repeater than just keeping it keyed up.
  10. One of my pet peeves as well. Especially when trying to check into a net.
  11. I always thought a repeater is for rag chewing. Just don't be quick to key up and allow time for other stations to break in and join the conversation.
  12. Are the GMRS frequencies that crowded in your area?
  13. Sorry but it wasn't meant to be snarky. It honestly does help if you know how to use the map. Is that not correct?
  14. Helps if you know how to use the map. Click that little gear at the top left and select "show stale repeaters". BAM!
  15. I don't even understand why you are comparing it to amateur radio. The two sets of regulations have nothing to do with each other. Might as well compare the GMRS regulations to using a cell phone. Why bother?
  16. You don't have helium in your go kit?
  17. Yes, correct. But I doubt there's been many lives saved when playing "what if" when trying to determine who can use your GMRS license and where they can use it.
  18. Your title is "Best gmrs handheld radio?" Then you ask what we would "...think would be a decent radio". Do you want the best or do you want a decent radio? I think you have the best, decent radio. Now just use it.
  19. I say give it a try before you actually need to rely on this method in an emergency. Would make for an interesting YouTube video too. Let us know once you have the video published!
  20. What if.... What if... What if.... What if... we don't play the "what if" game?
  21. What you believe may not be what the regulations allow. "Any individual who holds an individual license may allow his or her immediate family members to operate his or her GMRS station or stations. Immediate family members are the licensee's spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws." If I had all those people living under one roof with me, I'd go nuts!
  22. Done.
  23. Motorola is a manufacturer, not a dealer.
  24. Did you not fully read my post? Here's the first sentence again: "IF, and that's a big IF, all you want to do is communicate efficiently around the whole school campus, and IF you don't want to rely on the radios for emergencies, then I would suggest inexpensive network radios."
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