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About WSEZ

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  1. WSEZ


    Thanks guys, I finally got programmed. My wife owes ya a kiss
  2. WSEZ


    Shannon that worked, ty!
  3. WSEZ


    Radio wouxun kv-uv9px Os windows11 64 bit Pc. hp Cable usb-k4y
  4. WSEZ


    Hey guys would anyone know how to get chirp to connect to a radio? It's not finding the port the radio is connected to. Thank you, I appreciate your help.
  5. WSEZ

    GMRS security risk.

    I was, at one time, long long ago..... in a far far away state..... worried about getting tracked down because I have a YouTube preppers channel. Then I realized that anyone at any time can be tracked down by ip adress, license plates, phone numbers, emails and by emails, text and phone numbers from others I had previously had made contact with. Get a security system if worried.
  6. Ok so it's like my companys business radio, linked through the internet. Thanks. I gotta join this network! it's the only one available to me!
  7. Hey Guru's I'm currently in Cashiers, NC listening to gmrs channel 17 and am picking up chatter from Atlanta, GA. I don't understand how as I had received permission from repeaters in my area of Walhalla, SC trying to bridge the gap between the two but am unable to. How are they getting this far? is it a club? The only way I've been able to connect from Cashiers to Walhalla is thru Business band repeaters on 461.7250 . I gotta know how they are making the distance!
  8. Hey Guys thank you for sharing your information on the 935H. Does the 935H have the capability for the Mars/Cap mod? Is the battery interchangeable with other wouxun radios like the kg-uv9gx? Thanks
  9. Hey if you have 2 radios you can check it yourself. Turn on both radios, transmit on on 1 of 'em a count 1 to 10 then take the other one run 100 foot away and listen for the count. Easy way to verify! Just kidding around with ya. I tried to make ya smile!
  10. i didn't know it was misspelled! I was referring to "The BIG State in the middle of the country." I was drinking that night. Anyways FU if ya can't take a joke!
  11. Where's COLOROAD? I can't find it on a map?
  12. My company uses channel 7 for the warehouse, at least once a week when I know the supervisor of that department is listening on the radio frequency I prank call them with a very low and raspy voice saying...... "I ain't got no panties on"
  13. BaHaaahahaa.... I thought this was gonna be a (2 Girls 1 Cup) type of topic!
  14. In my area of SC I hear alot of traffic from a club in Atlanta, GA on 19.
  15. I think understand now, you need a tx-ctcss to activate the repeaters but the rx-ctcss limits the receiving to just that repeater and no one else.
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