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  1. Radioditty DB20G in the junk box now. Tired of this crap with this radio. It is now hanging up with the channels set to narrow. I will just carry the Tidradio HT with me within a couple of miles in town. Just as good. Radioditty fix this crap! I can go with a radio not type excepted and be done with it. Thought I would be technically legal with the DB20G. jeesh... Jim
  2. I bought the radio and obtained the GMRS license so my family can keep in contact with me while I am mobile. There is a repeater or two in Roswell NM that is 40 miles away. While it was fun to talk to some of those guys my primary reason to use this radio is for family coms. So I am satisfied. I have heard of other people sending in there units to only have the new radio doing the same. Simplex and the less than 20 watts the DB-20 provides is sufficient for me. Also the radio in my F-150 is not a Radioditty DB-20G so I have no problem talking to Roswell repeaters with it. Jim
  3. I gave up trying to use my Radioditty DB-20G in wide band. I tried all the settings with squelch tail and other settings. I just set all my channels to narrow band 12.5 and the radio does not hang anymore with squelch wide open(set it back to 2 not the 8 I had it). I have two DB-20G's that do this. I wish they would come up with some new firmware and address the open squelch with wide band annoyance. Otherwise my family and the people I talk to do not hear a difference in narrow band or wide band. Problem solved IMO . Jim
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