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About WSHH887

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  1. Welcome. As a recent member I invite you to follow me down the rabbit hole. But fear not there are signposts and helpful denizens to both add clarity and confusion. Just avoid that darned cat.
  2. I live in a port town. For my entire life I have driven past a marine electronics store. Not needing "marine" electronics (radar, sonar, gps and its predecessor LORAN, and of course radios). I never had a need to visit. But as it turns out the store carries all sorts of GMTS, FRS and HAM equipment. And not just for boats. i called yesterday and found out that not only do they have probably everything you find all your needs met in one place. Plus and more importantly, they are more than to share decades of knowledge and experience. Heading down tomorrow with a list of needfuls and more importantly a list of questions.
  3. Honestly, an adult trying to entice a child online or on air concerns me. Maybe it's all innocent. Then again...
  4. And, if I'm correct, that would work with the Midland MXTA26? I should mention that my Jeep is an old CJ-8, think Jeep with a small pickup bed. I've got tube bumpers front and rear. I've seen lots of mounts for roll bars that are 2" should work on a bumper tube.
  5. And, the questions continue. I have decided not to use the mag mount. I found a mount for my pickup that attaches easily to existing bolts. It has a 3/8" hole in it, but that is adjustable. So just what type of antenna, guessing it wouldn't be a ground plane type, would work? Specific model recommendation appreciated. Also, I'm considering a rear bumper mount for the Jeep. Would the same antenna work for both?
  6. Ahh, the mystery deepens, even as the veil of ignorance is lifted. I've been involved in most of my hobbies for decades. I had forgotten that the path to knowledge takes a lot of effort and brain cells.
  7. As a newbie I was a bit confused about the overlap of FRS and GMRS channels. Perhaps that is where the confusion springs from. I have heard call signs on FRS channels so that doesn't help.
  8. Like I've said before I'm new, and I recently (re)discovered I had a pair of GXT100's I had bought for emergencies and never even turned on. I was wondering, is the reason things like the GXT1000 aren't repeater capable is because of their low wattage doesn't support duplex? If I'm correct you need duplex capability to use repeaters. Educae me if I'm on the wrong path.
  9. Okay, thanks for the info. I'm in SoCal so I'm looking for a local "club". Anyway to find out how you have set up your ESG?
  10. Ahh, I tried searching antenna and was overwhelmed. Just a thought as I am aiming for commonality. Would the same techniques that work on a jeep work on other vehicles?
  11. So, here's the deal. I received the DB-20 bundle. It included a mag mount but no antenna. I gather that the Midland MXTA26 would be a good antenna to use with the mount. Let me know if I'm wrong. But here's my real issue. I intend to be able to move the radio from my pickup to my Jeep. The mag mount would work well on the Pickup, but the Jeep has a fiberglass top. I was thinking about some sort of whip attached to the rear of the Jeep. But what would be a good antenna for that use?
  12. Well, it's not a "real" Jeep like a CJ but since you visit the range I'll forgive you.
  13. OOPS! I completely missed the welcome thread and just jumped right in. Please forgive my fox paw. I'm a retired water treatment consultant with too many hobbies so I need to add one more. Radio wise, I started in the military, then used them in the ship building and oil industries. Along the way I did the CB thing until it became populated with too many "individuals". Outdoor wise, I've been a hunter/shooter and everything that goes with it since I was a kid in the fifties. Got into off roading in the 80's when I bought my Jeep Scrambler. That's enough stuff for now.
  14. Surprised it's not a thing. Since I'm new I'm wondering, are there groups like the old REACT that use GMRS?
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