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  1. A solution looking for a problem...
  2. I don't know about a national organization like REACT, but just lurking on here I see various references to locally organized community/neighborhood watch groups that use GMRS/FRS and I think that's a great idea.
  3. Let me introduce myself - not because I go around introducing myself (that's pretty narcissistic isn't it?), but because it is the rule of the forum and I forgot to do it. SO hello there! Been a radio dork since about 1978 (Shortwave, CB, Ham, and most recently GMRS). Besides radios, I also own a Jeep JK, and like to visit my local gun range on occasion to blow the pocket lint out of the chamber so to speak. Oh, I am also a notarubicon subscriber (an honor to be reprimanded by the queen himself!) That's all for now!
  4. understood, my Queen of GMRS
  5. Thank you @SteveShannon!
  6. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that searching for the PL so you can notify the workers at Tidal Wave Car Wash that the vacuum is out of order (when in reality it probably isn't) is not proper use of GMRS...
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