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Everything posted by OffRoaderX

  1. CLICKBAIT!!! I came to this thread thinking I was going to see a belt-clip that SHOOTS LASER BEAMS! Man, the chicks would really dig that! ...very disappointed.
  2. I have several suggestions but posting them here in this conversation about Dirty Radios would be very off-topic and we all know that bardging-in and going off topic is very rude, so we shan't be doing that.
  3. I trust and believe everything that the government tells us!! If the FCC decrees that a radio passes their testing and approves/certifies it with a Part 95 Approval, then this PROVES beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is good/clean and SAFE and EFFECTIVE for use on the airwaves. anyone saying that a radio is not 'clean' when the government has decreed that it IS clean and save & effective for use, is just spreading misinformation and should be silenced. Obviously anyone claiming that these Part-95 certified radios are not clean, safe, and effective, are just conspiracy theorists.. These radios are approved using scientific methods and everyone knows that the science is never wrong, so anyone saying otherwise is a science-denier.
  4. Textbook Sad-H.A.M. "spending other people's money" response. The only thing you forgot was your callsign and telling us how many years you've been licensed, so 8/10
  5. Many/most radios allow this but to know for sure just try it.. You aren't going to break anything.
  6. This just arrived in my mailbox - video to follow in the next few days... Please post your questions below and I will address them in the video (if they're not stupid)..
  7. it wont be, at least not by me. Nobody likes a spammer.
  8. Top SIX? Geezus... I like the Eton Elite 750, but it is a bit pricy.. Raddy just released a new, low-cost Shortwave radio that also does SSB, which most of the CCR shortwaves don't do - I heard that the Youtube Queen of GMRS will be doing a review of it soon because he's run out of new GMRS radios to talk about.. But, thats just a rumor.. I fully realize that neither of these meet the requirements of a true shortwave-dork, but, I'm not a shortwave dork.
  9. all kidding aside.. Although far, FAR better in build quality, the fact is that your (and my) UHF XTS5000 radios put out the exact same power, and sometimes less power, than most CCR GMRS radios, and they have virtually the exact same fars.
  10. I bet a CCR standing in the exact same spot as you and your XTS can. As a matter of fact, I guarantee that it can.
  11. I think you should choose whichever of the two has the features that best meet your wants, needs, and desires in a radio.
  12. If only someone would make a very simple to understand youtube video explaining this all in very simple terms that anyone could understand, while at the same time using very easy-to-understand hand-gestures.. Whoever could achieve that would literally become the queen of all that is GMRS!
  13. It was already extremely easy.. It would be harder for me to find someone by callsign on that map that it would be to find someone by callsign on the FCC website. Your argument does not stand up to scrutiny and is therefore, invalid.
  14. Good one! The funny part is that its like you dont realize that you put yourself on that list and all that information that you gave to the FCCs such as your home-address is tied to your GMRS callsign, and was already on Google, Facebook, and probably a lot of other places..
  15. It depends on how you define "best" ... I connected mine via my SPOD switch system. For me this was "best" because it was much easier and the wire-runs were shorter and already established.
  16. I agree and recommend the same to anyone having trouble with this company, (or any company).. For recurring payments via PayPal you dont even need to close the PayPal account, you can simply "end" the recurring payments.
  17. Oh man... A lot of people are going to shart-themselves when the reality that the FCCs makes their info public and easily accessible to anyone that has their callsign starts to sink-in...
  18. Obviously "the best" is the UV-5R because it cost only $18. as you can see, it depends on how you define "best" and what is important to you in a radio - so only you can answer the question.
  19. For comparison you could look at one of the pre-programmed repeater channels 23-30 You could key up and if you have it wrong it wont matter/wont hurt anything On a GMRS repeater if the frequency given is 462.xx then it will always be +5 It looks like you haven't added the recieve-tone, but that is optional anyway, and for a beginner/to reduce potential mistakes i would not bother with it yet It all looks right but the only way to know for sure is to try it.. and remember, if it's not right, it doesn't matter/nothing is going to break/no airplanes will drop from the sky.
  20. Mine came with its own little monitor that is mounted on the front-dash.. from the time I put the Jeep in Reverse, until the image shows on the screen, is about 1/2 second... and as far as I can tell there is no transmission delay - the image is 'live' with no lag.
  21. It shouldn't.. .but, that is no guarantee.. I have one of the cheapest wifi-cameras you can buy mounted on my Jeep's 3rd brake-light/license plate bracket, and my antenna is mounted about a foot away above the passenger side brake-light (see image) - i've never suffered any interference.
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