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  1. Could be a bad lot number, batch of 60 or so get made with a sub part or other issue and is not caught, Amazon gets that entire lot and Bam that's what happens. There are plenty of reviews on these radios not out puting their ratings. ALSO I have seen one like yours where it is cranking out 70-80 watts. But that's doesn't say much for consistency. I have UV-5Rs that run excellently. I still have both the 82HPs, they are in fact rebranded uv6r's it's right in the box from btech and only put out 6watts on high. And again look through reviews you will see this is not uncommon. One actually quit work without using an external mic.
  2. Sent you a PM.
  3. Speaking of which, anyone buy anything from these guys, they have what looks like a decent selection of tested equipment. To include some 40watt M1225s as well as other Motorola and Kenwood sets. https://used-radios.com/collections/mobiles/band_uhf
  4. Will also keep my eye out for some of the 25-40watt m1225's if I can get a hold of some programming software.
  5. Thanks gents I think I'll be scanning eBay after class for some tk-880s tonight after class. I didn't have a Midland when I posted previously but I did pick one up about a week ago. I have a couple project vehicles to outfit yet and would like to set up a base station at the house. Big fan of being able to computer programming in that case just pop and swap press load and move on. I remember seeing some VX-6000's on eBay for under $200 but they were questionable.
  6. That seems pretty consistent with what I'm seeing. Have mine paired with their 6db nmo antenna and have been happy so far.
  7. De ja vu... This is an excellent point. I first got bit by the radio bug when I was a kid in the 90's. No cell phones radio was the cool thing. 2007 I started getting FCC licenses starting with my GROL. Fell out of the hobby and started up again 10 years later. When I started up I had a friend start up with some cheap Chinese mobiles from Amazon. I bought a couple Baofeng handhelds that I didn't have much issue with. He ended up dropping out due to not getting what he wanted out of the underperforming radio just like you said. We have an excellent HAM community here but I'm not much into talking to complete strangers, I wanted to communicate with friends and family. So I dropped out of radio again until this year when I decided to give GMRS a shot because one station license could be shared by my household.
  8. Wasn't trying to be argumentative earlier just clearing up any miscommunication on what I was looking for and for what. What program do you use for the TK-880? I don't have a problem getting a used radio and taking the time to get it up and running, heck it's the cheaper option for a quality unit. But my plate is loaded down and I was looking for something turn key for now. I have a 1986 F-150 that I am restoring that will get one of these radios most likely. I actually have two vehicle projects, three kids, a house to finish renovating, work 40-50hrs a week, and am in college full time trying to finish my engineering degree. I really don't have time to tear down, clean and repair any radio units lol. This is why currently I'd rather drop $200-300 on a unit ready to go that I don't have to worry about instead of $65 on something I have to spend a few hours on or stress about the risk of being non functional. This is also why I haven't responded... Been too busy to be on here to follow up. My position is another pivot on what Marc said. And to support his point, you may have a bunch of people with no mechanical/electrical ability or general handiness wanting to get into GMRS, and drop the money on a license for one reason or another who need turn key options and if the only thing a community can ever give them is, buy this 25 year old radio tear it down, then buy x y and z and then program it etc it's going to overwhelm and scare people away from the hobby.
  9. Forgive my ignorance do you mean the shared channels 8-14 or do you mean the 14-22 GMRS channels? I live in the Charleston SC area and the GMRS freqs 462.550 and up are very active on the drive home mostly with businesses. A lot of retail outlets, schools/daycares, some big name companies like Catipiler and Boeing. Like clock work channel 21 has someone identifying via Morse Code every 5 minutes, channel 17 on random time slots, on random days will have some unknown repeater broadcasting it's identifier every 15. kinda wish I knew it's details so I could use it. I pick up handhelds on the upper channels my whole ride home, loose one, pick up the next a mile down the road on the same channel. If I'm on scan near my home usually get caught on channel 1 because someone has been keyed in that channel for the last 4 days non stop. Makes me want to get my family through the HAM test so we can all use VHF lol.
  10. The specs look better but every one of the UV50 version radios I have tested actually output around 21 watts where the Midland output around 38.
  11. Lol on the amateur sude I have been through 5 UV-50x2 this year, thank God for Amazon's return policy, just trying to get one unit that worked. The worst one lasted less than 45 seconds. None of them output the stated power, the first thing I do is slap a meter on them to check. One did the stated power rating but frequency shifted in the first day, most hung out around 20watts on a 50 watt rated radio that's way outside a margin of error, and one actually output 9 watts then went to 0 (the one that died in about a minute of use). Also went through a couple of the UV-82HPs that are supposed to be 8watts. Those are actually relabeled UV-6R radios and have a max output of 6 watts. BTech just doesn't expect most people dumping cash on these radios to check their equipment. They don't need to, get 700 people to leave a 5 star review on Amazon like... "Works Good" or some bogus claim on range and your set 500 more people will see that and drop the cash. I actually bought one of their amps too, the first two were junk, 3rd was spot on. Why so much, I wanted to give Baofeng a good college try, I figured maybe I had a dud and wanted to put that theory to the test, nope just false advertising and shoddy equipment. It didn't cost me a dime, just time and when I decide to go GMRS for the family instead of stacking HAM licenses I went right to the Midland radio and when I outfit the next vehicle it will be a Midland, icom, kenwood, or Motorola. The saying you can't afford to go cheap is true, imagine dumping $200 on a Baofeng mobile radio for it to fail just outside the warranty window or even outside the 30 day return window. Btech is notorious for having poor customer service when it comes to repair/replacement of their equipment. I have read stories where people pay shipping shipping costs only to get another raido that junks out and having to pay shipping costs again. You can get a 40watt Midland GMRS mobile for $230 and it will work and it will put out around 40 watts, the Baofeng GMRS is $200 and is almost guarantee never to put out anywhere near 50watts and probably will fail you sooner than later. I'm not bashing Baofeng because I'm on a soap box running thousands in radio equipment, but because I am an owner and have mostly poor experience using them.
  12. I did mention the F6021 in my post, it's part 90 not 95 certified. I also said I considered the IC-2730A for amateur not GMRS but you need to buy a bunch of basic items(like to attach the face to the body) that are considered extras just to get it set up. I considered a M1225 as well off of eBay but, unsupported as they are and getting fairly beat up examples left in UHF, don't want to get one and it die in 6 months, the MXT400 at least has some warranty to it.
  13. I have tested 3 of the UV-50X2's the first put out 32watts, the second just died in about 30 seconds bouncing between 0 and 9 watts and the third only output 21 watts. I was going to get the x1 for GMRS use but if it's the same unit as the X2 just locked out to be FCC compliant... I think I will pass and am looking at the Midland MTX-400 instead. Icom makes the F6021 UHF 400-470 but it's only Part 90 certified, then they also have the 2730A advertised in the same range I was at one point considering for amateur, but it is a bare radio and all brackets etc are add ons, even to mount the face to the radio is extra.
  14. Interesting power readings. I have tested 3 of the UV-50X2's the first put out 32watts, the second just died in about 30 seconds bouncing between 0 and 9 watts and the third only output 21 watts. I was going to get the x1 for GMRS use but if it's the same unit just locked out... I think I will pass and am looking at the Midland MTX-400 instead.
  15. Ok sounds like a plan. Did you put inline protection at the antenna and at the equipment hook up?
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