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andygeekboy last won the day on October 15 2019

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    North Miami

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  1. I guess GMRS isn't so popular in my neck of the woods!
  2. Not yet but I've been driving around with my scanner and a mag mount, only heard one thing in two weeks, sounded like a couple of maintenance people speaking mostly spanglish
  3. As clueless as I am I'm prepared to help if you need
  4. Wish I'd have read this post before I ran off 'half-cocked' *like I always do!
  5. Hey Marc, Did you hear much traffic when you were down this way, I'm still not hearing a thing? Thanks
  6. He may have left but I’m still getting value from this post
  7. Thanks Logan! Looking at the current coverage map for FTL600 I'm just outside, fingers crossed I can hit it with the new upgrade. Not to stray too far from the OP's topic but it seems that there is a definite lack of GMRS activity in my neck of the woods, is this common for Dade?
  8. Sorry to tell you Howie but I haven't found a GMRS repeater being used in our area (I live in North Miami). There is apparently one in Plantation but I haven't had a chance to get on it so can't confirm. Maybe good news or maybe bad news but I've been driving around with my scanner the last week between my house and work (Miramar) and have not heard anything on any of the GMRS frequencies. Andy
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