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  • Name
    Stephen Kilbreth
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Mechanic Falls, Maine
  • Interests
    Drawing closer to God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Prepping, Canoeing, Hunting, etc.

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  1. 338538504_ActiveGMRSRepeatersInMaine-2022-08-10.pdf 2022-08-16 - Active Maine GMRS Licenses by Call Sign.pdf 2022-08-16 - Active Maine GMRS Licenses by Name.xlsx
  2. It seems like there are new and stronger repeaters going up every week lately. It is hard to keep up with them all. I am trying to put together a document with all the specs available. Attached is what I have compiled so far. Maine GMRS Repeaters - 2022-06-09.pdf
  3. SDK

    GMRS is starting to heat up here in Maine. License fee drops to $35 this week so that should get more operators onboard.

    WQYC747 / Steve in Mechanic Falls

  4. SDK

    Hi Shane,

    Are you still working your GMRS radio? If not, maybe you should dust it off and fire it up. GMRS is getting a lot more active these days. I expect a big jump in license requests this week as the fee drops to $35 for the ten year license.

    WQYC747 / Steve in Mechanic Falls

  5. Line A in Maine.pdf
  6. Having a repeater in Lincoln / Lee area should encourage a lot more people to join the GMRS wave - especially the off-road crowd. Thanks for taking the lead on that project. Keep us updated on your progress. WQYC747 / Steve / Androscoggin County P.S. Any Preppers Out There? Let's Network!
  7. SDK


  8. GMRS is staring to gain interest in Central Maine. I expect it will grow even faster after April 19, 2022 when the license fee is reduced to $35. Auburn700 GMRS Node https://www.facebook.com/groups/3795863640461777 Maine GMRS https://www.facebook.com/groups/474386201046836 WQYC747 / KC1LGL
  9. Better late than never.
  10. I had the Midlands, too and was very dissatisfied with them. I now have two BaoFeng BF-F8HP handhelds with Nagoya NA-771 antennas and have had no issues with them. The range of frequencies they cover is great! - 136MHz-174MHz VHF and 400MHz-520MHz UHF. It has 128 fully programmable memory channels. I highly recommend them. https://baofengtech.com/product/bf-f8hp/
  11. If there are any other Maine Preppers out there, check out our family's mission to educate, enlighten, and entertain. We will be doing a video on GMRS (and Ham) radio sometime this year. https://www.maineprepperkids.com/
  12. Hi Mark, Yes, we have spoken on air. I am not on a lot right now, too many other things to do that make it difficult. I have BaoFeng BF-F8HP handhelds as my main radios. I have my original UV-5R in the car with an external antenna and a 12-volt power adapter. I also have it running through my car sound system for better clarity. I really like their expanded frequency range that makes them good for both Ham and GMRS as well as emergency services monitoring. Do you know of any Preppers in our area? My wife and I are part of a loose-knit group. Have been trying to get everyone outfitted, licensed, and trained on GMRS since none of them are inclined to get Ham licenses. I got my Ham license [KC1LGL] three years ago (one of my retirement projects). Steve / WQYC747
  13. My reason for asking is that if there are repeaters in the North Maine Woods (NMW) for the state officers to use, maybe there would be locations where GMRS and/or Ham repeaters could be installed for us civilians when we are in the area.
  14. I was researching yesterday and found that it is still $70 (March 8, 2022). Spread out over 10 years it is still worth getting when you want it. Why wait for just a penny a day savings?
  15. Do you know what the Game Wardens and Forest Rangers use for communication in the NMW?
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