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About shawnvanhorn

  • Birthday 07/28/1970

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  • Location
    Anderson, Texas
  • Interests
    GMRS, Repeater Building

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  1. No, but this combination gives me close to 50 at my location, though. The other methods suggested so far here won't get him out of his neighborhood. Your answer did not help the op at all. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  2. Get an MTR2000 or 3000, a good Sinclair or RFS Celwave full size duplexer. 7/8 heliax and a Db420B at about 200 feet if you want a 30 plus mile coverage. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  3. There used to be a GMRS repeater listed in Goodland, Kansas. I was going to reach out to the owner but I dont see it listed or on the sist anywhere. Can anyone give a status of this repeater and is it still functional?
  4. I have 2 repeaters i would like to set up to connect to myGMRS. One is a Kenwood TKR-850, and one is an Icom FR-4000. Can anyone help me with the 25 pin connections that need to be connected to make this happen? Is there any certain set up in each of the repeaters I will have to program? Will a Raspberry Pi 4B work? Will the Pi connect wireless by Wi-Fi or does it have to be hard wired? Can you connect an external device for like severe weather?
  5. Klein informed their mic don't work with the 8180.
  6. I don't mind paying for quality, I just don't want to get a paperweight. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  7. Does anyone know of a quality manufacturer for a Bluetooth Microphone compatible for a Kenwood TK8180, TK8360, etc I have a link for one from AMAZN. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087Q47CF4/?coliid=IC33CXILKQKTR&colid=ZYT9YCVVJFME&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Would really like to find a quality made microphone though. Admin, let me know if I need to remove the link. 73's WRHV671
  8. No error, it just wont read or write. I have programed this same radio before so it is not locked. I was able to program another radio with my setup. My cable is an FTDI.
  9. Howdy, I went to do a channel update on one of my Kenwood 8360HUK the other day, and one programmed with no issues, but the second one i cant read or write to. Has anyone ran into this issue, i did a search but came up empty here in the forum. 73 WRHV671 Shawn
  10. My Kenwood radios will talk and make contacts, but everyone says my mic gain is real low. is there a way to adjust microphone gain in the programming software. i have both the KPG-89D and the KPG-135 for my 8180H and 8360 Huk respectively. Second question is what do you set the narrow / wide column for GMRS?
  11. What is your SWR at 465 using this dual band antenna?
  12. You can program the MXT400 only
  13. I apologize for not being able to explain all of the intricacies in the proper technical terms, I am a newbie and am still trying to learn GMRS. I just thought after reading about all the pitfalls of the MXT 400, that the information would prove beneficial if anyone would want to try and correct the problems inherent from the factory on the Midland MXT-400.
  14. I found the information on the Facebook group. He is located on the Pasco County GMRS Radio Group. What I mean is the MXT-400 from the factory are at transmitting at 12.5khz, you can change them to a band within GMRS like 20khz. You can name each channel. Custom start message such as your call sign, Programming of split CTCSS/ DPL.
  15. I have read on another Forum where if you order the DBR1 cable directly from Midland, and then contact them and tell them you need a copy of the Programming software for ONLY the Midland MXT 400, that you can open the software up and make it split and open up the band for the repeater channels. His name is John Whitt. He talked to a man named Roger at Midland and he emailed a Zip file with the software, so maybe there is help for at least the Midland MXT-400.
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