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Everything posted by AdmiralCochrane

  1. I saw the pictures on Facebook
  2. If you say so ...
  3. Maybe it's a regional thing. In central MD dozens of repeaters have dozens of daily users. I am certain the NYC metro area is likewise. DC/Baltimore and NYC are certainly larger Metro Areas. As above, FM VHF and UHF are a tiny fraction of amateur radio.
  4. Exactly what makes you think Amateur Radio Service is dying?
  5. My home made 70/65cm Slim Jim is below 1.6 swr about half way across both bands according to my nanoNVA. I really didn't expect it to be that good across that much. I have my GMRS radio attached to it.
  6. It is hard to find a used Yeasu radio that is functionally junk. Same for the other Japanese makers. If you only buy new, you are missing a lot of very good radios on the market.
  7. If you don't like the copycat, then maybe the real cat is the one for you. Yeasu 8900. I have both.
  8. The radios are usually much more equal. The differences are more often in the antennas, the antenna mounting, coax and the users themselves.
  9. He was asked multiple times what the output was on 70cm and always answered "fine" You can ask the Count on Sesame Street, he will tell you "fine" is not a number, just like twenty-something LOL It would have been a lot better if he understood that "comparison" requires comparison As we have seen here multiple times, advertised power output often varies from real world
  10. The cell sites in the mid Atlantic area I used to service had fuel for about 26 hours of operation on their diesel backups. My coworkers kept them fueled up during snowmageddon. (I stayed home, )
  11. I would be curious to see hard data on this, particularly 65cm vs 70cm performance.
  12. I used to come here for information, now I come here for entertainment.
  13. I think there are some settings you can change
  14. I am certain it is not only not prohibited, but expressly permitted.
  15. Not all dual or tri banders are less than their single band sisters, it is just more likely that it is so. I have been lucky enough to get triband antennas that were dead on for the band I used that one the most for. With antennas, there is no substitute for testing in actual use.
  16. Yes, it would be incompatible with a lot of radios, but it would confound someone whom you did not want using your repeater.
  17. With antennas, never say never.
  18. I think those made 10+ years ago were more prone to the problem than those made recently. The first 9800 I bought years ago only works on one side, but I paid little enough for it that it was still a good deal even though it was half of what it was when new.
  19. It's a dud. That is the way these fail. Knowing this I actually bought an extended warranty on mine.
  20. That is my plan. Might do ferrets at the same time. I have read other Mopar owners reporting the same condition.
  21. Possibly, but doubtful In Washington DC at the entrance to the Naval Observatory, you can reliably hit the Davidsonville UHF repeater at the old NIKE base property. There are places closer to the Davidsonville side of DC where you can't make the same contact. You definitely do not have line of sight at street level. Must be the buildings there working like a funnel to channel the rf back and forth.
  22. My 9800 doesn't click that I can hear, but something in my vehicle sends a click to those receiving. It isn't the alternator, it does it even without the engine running. Haven't tried ferrites or any other suppression yet.
  23. No hardware change needed, it's just a software change done on startup. I only use my 9800 on 2m and 70cm
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