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About WQUQ715

Profile Information

  • Name
    Chuck Wittig
  • Unit Number

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  1. Brian,

    You should join our formal group on Facebook. Our page here lists the website that holds our membership application.

    Once we get your application, I will email you more information. You live within range of 2 of our repeaters.



  2. I'm new to Linux, and need some help. I can connect to my node using Putty when my laptop is on the same router, but not from a different ISP. Is there a Raspian setting to allow these connections? Is it a firewall setting? I'm getting tired of dragging a laptop to my tower site to edit rpt.conf settings. Oops! I've got to drive back over to the tower, I forgot to uncomment that macro number...
  3. Is there a forum for myGMRS Node owners to ask questions and get Tech support for the myGMRS Raspbian software?
  4. Does anyone know about the Part 95 legality of re-transmitting NOAA and NWS alerts over a repeater? My Weather Spotters group would like to do this, if it's legal.
  5. I have been an Amateur for 20 years and had a 70 cm repeater up until lightning took it out. I have 3 GMRS repeaters. I only require permission for one reason. I want to verify a valid license for the user. I've never denied anyone permission to use any of them. I do restrict one of them to Emergency use or roadside assistance because it is an older machine, and keeping traffic on it low to make it last longer. I only want to know something about my users, and verify a valid license. With the proliferation of the Chinese dual banders, anyone with $40 can access my machines and make up a call. I've seen this happen on amateur repeaters. Call me cautious.
  6. Have any repeater owners had to provide liability insurance for access to a repeater site? Where does one go to obtain this kind of insurance? Anyone who has any input here, I would appreciate it.
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