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  1. What i would do. Use at least 12awg wire. And get lt fused. 10amp, but initial surge may draw close to that. So I would buy both 10 and 15amp fuses. Start with 10 if it doesn't blow, stick with it. If you surge (surge is when you key up, initially starting some circuits can cause a surge of higher amps then settle to avg). I would use a permanent connector to the battery, not clamps unless I was using the battery for other things. Clamps can come off, touch each other. They move around to much.
  2. I got the Browning BR-176 S. It comes with cut instructions for the different frequencies. The mast is 9 3/4 inches. 465mghz cut to 9 1/16th. For my radios I bought the nanovna antenna analyzer on Amazon. I also measured the diameter of the browning antenna mast, 2.5mm. Order S/S 2.5mm rods from Amazon. That way if a cut to much, i toss it start with cheap new spare rod. That's mobile. For home, go to YouTube look up 70cm 1/4 wave ground plane verticle. Make your own. Those are for ham, so you need to tune it for gmrs. I use the nanovna for this. It sits on top of a 10 foot schedule 40pvc pipe. $5 at home depot or lowes. It works great and really extends the range of your HT. Ed fong makes a dbj1 commercial. Order on eBay @30-40 when ordering leave him a message for frequency tune. Good quality. He has both, one for fitting inside a schedule 200pvc (400 walls to thick). Rain proof and attach it to a10 foot pvc schedule 40. Get it up 15 feet. Or get the one that you can hang from a tree, or pole. Nanovna analyzer is $50-130. The small screen 2 inch is in the 50-60 range. Screen is small, but with a usb adapter it connects to your phone and has an app to use phone screen. The analyzer important, tunning is the name of the game. If tuned right, homemade verticle ground plan antenna has broad range. Usually good from 450-470mhz. Once you have analyzer, solder gun, cost to build after that is $15 or under. Including, connector, pvc. Adapter, po239 chassis mount. You may want to get a glue gun. Glue top of adaptor to make it water proof. I'm thinking of doing a YouTube video on builds.
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