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Everything posted by MozartMan

  1. I will second MichaelLAX to rather save $65 and get Anytone 779-UV (aka Retevis RA-25 or Radioddity DB-20G) which are programable via software and are not locked to narrow band like Midland 275. I received AnyTone AT-779UV yesterday that I bought on Amazon for $101. I programmed it via OEM software and installed today in my car. And I FELL IN LOVE with this radio. I can listen to HAM repeaters, I can listen to weather channel. It's just very cute little radio.
  2. Received it today. It is very cute little radio. Oh, and it is 20W compare to HT's 5W. Programing AnyTone software is not bad at all.
  3. You need to watch more Randy's videos and understand that Randy has great sense of humor and sarcasm. And that's what is the title of this thread - sarcasm. At least IMHO. Cheers.
  4. You can also buy from the store on this myGMRS.com website: https://shop.mygmrs.com/
  5. Probably repeater channels?
  6. I will probably/definitely will. BUT, something weird is going on on Amazon with pictures of the unit. I attached three images from three different sellers. Can somebody tell me which is the correct GMRS unit. Look at the frame around display and display itself, please. And here are the links to those units with different display and frame around it: https://www.amazon.com/AnyTone-AT-779UV-Transceiver-Tranceiver-Programming/dp/B093LCHYKJ https://www.amazon.com/AnyTone-Transceiver-Mobile-AT-779UV-Vehicle/dp/B08QTQS9XZ https://www.amazon.com/Transceiver-AT-779UV-144-148MHz-420-450MHz-Scanning/dp/B094MND77Y
  7. Thanks. That AnyTone AT-779UV 20W mobile radio for $99 on Amazon is very tempting.
  8. Michael, What is the latest version of programming software for AnyTone AT-779UV? Is it 2.01?
  9. You can send it to me as a gift. ?
  10. Thank you everybody.
  11. I am thinking to install external antenna on the side of the house. I am looking at this antenna: Tram Browning BR-6155 76inch fiberglass omnidirectional base 450-470MHz 5dBd antenna https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00S983H0K I will need to run coax cable from antenna down to the hole in the wall into my basement, then through the lengths of the basement and then up through the floor into the office. I already have coax cable that was installed by DirecTV that runs just from outside of the house through the basement and into the office. I would still need additional cable to run from the end of DTV cable to antenna. Here are the markings on the DTV cable: DIRECTV 6 SERIES PERFECTVISION CR01BSRO-05 18AWG E341555 PV1 c(UL)us CM 60420 12A. Have few questions. 1. Is this Tram Browning external antenna a good antenna for GMRS? 2. Can I re-use this DTV coax cable, or do I need to buy different one? 3. If I need to buy new cable, can anybody recommend which one to buy. I would probably need between 80-100 feet of cable from antenna to the radio if I need to buy a new one. TIA
  12. I was not here, in 'Merica, until I came here (legally) in 1991. Learn something new every day. Thank you for education and history lesson. And speaking about cars (somebody in some thread/post mentioned Japanese cars) Toyota Camry is the most 'Merican made car.
  13. Isn't the Sharp company a Japanese company founded September 15, 1912; 109 years ago, in Tokyo, Japan? ? Ain't that the truth? ?
  14. Does your device manager show Com port? See attachment. Also, try this: uninstall 64 bit version of software and install 32 bit version. See if it helps.
  15. What version of software did you install? 64 bit or 32 bit? Also, do you have any Com ports enabled on your motherboard?
  16. MozartMan

    Michigan GMRS

    Ed, I don't know where you live in Metro Detroit, but if you are within 15 miles radius from Livernois and Big Beaver you can ask permission to join Troy575 repeater: https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4676 I am a member of that repeater group for several years. We have open chat every second Sunday of the month. And now we have Rustbelt Exigency Radio Network (RuBERN) preppers net chat every Tuesday at 8 pm.
  17. Yes, I got pigtail from Amazon after I tried just small metal adapter. I didn't like it because antenna cable is too stiff, but pigtail is very flexible.
  18. Hi MacJack, The question by OP was if KG-905G can be configured for use in the car as mobile radio, so I showed my set up where I use 905G as mobile radio with battery eliminator and external antenna.
  19. Are you saying that you do not need to pay to Iridium company for access to Iridium satellite network in order to use Garmin Inreach device?
  20. How much do you pay for Iridium satellite network monthly access?
  21. More information would be helpful, like: What radio are you trying to program? On what channels are you trying to program repeater frequencies?
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