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Everything posted by jc1240

  1. The world is a better place with Chris in it.
  2. A repeater in/near Mt. Holly Springs, PA is very active. More active than a bunch of ham repeaters around me. I call hit "ham light."
  3. OMG, classic! Thank you for the laugh. Note - I would have taken the original text the same way (band vs 2 devices), but your delivery is fantastic.
  4. I know it's a month later for this thread, but I did a round trip with an Anytone 878 in my carry-on. TSA at both airports didn't care.
  5. Thanks for the used radio suggestions. I had thought of that the other day. Still undecided and I figure if have time with the particular shopping season that's about to start. And good reminder about batteries. I had bought a brand new laptop battery from Amazon some years ago. Yes indeed it was new, factory sealed. But it and the model laptop I had was old. That battery had been sitting on a shelf for years and was actually worse in function than the battery it was replacing. Doh!
  6. Thanks all. I appreciate the input.
  7. Thanks and yes, I'm a big fan of NotaRubicon Productions. Even if any given video is about something with which I have no interest, I still watch for the entertainment value.
  8. I apologize if this is "one of those topics," but I need some help in purchasing some HTs. I'm not asking for THE radio to get, but maybe someone can help me narrow down some to check. For example, Retevis has a nice sale today, but there are so many models from them alone, I just don't know. Here are my criteria, questions and use: Main use (other than toying around) - we drive 2 vehicles to our annual vacation spot (7 hour drive) and I'd like us to use radio instead of cell phone for those quickies where calling would take longer than the conversation itself. One hurdle - I'm torn between GMRS and MURS. I'd probably get more use out of GMRS, so...that might already be the answer, but I can also get that later if I go with MURS. At some point before I die, I'll have both because I'm starting to get that addiction. Main desire - the PAIR of HTs to be about $100 or less (very easy with Retevis's sale should I go that route). I know here are some sweet GMRS radios that for one unit go for $150+; that's too much for this use. They don't have to be Retivis, I just mention them because of the current sale. This is a contender (TIDRadio RD-H5) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08Z7MVVBH/ So...what I'm looking for are just some suggestions to check. I started with review videos, but I'm overwhelmed with the number of radio models, I think I'm looking at this and it is that because the trailing letter is different, etc. Do I really care if it has a keypad? I'll probably set them up once and that's that. Are there some to avoid? I saw one review of the RB23 (GMRS) and the person could not get it to use wideband on any channel. Thanks, John
  9. Congratulation Congratulations!
  10. For me, GMRS for family. Ham for fun. GMRS in my area is non-existent outside of 1 or 2 repeaters too far away and are hardly ever used. They are active only when there is an "event" like a blizzard.
  11. There was a time prior when the FCC charged a fee. It was costing more to collect the fee than the fee itself, so they dropped it. FCC Eliminates Amateur Radio Vanity Call Sign Regulatory Fee (arrl.org) Testing fees are strictly collected and used by the VECs. LaurelVEC for example does not charge anything.
  12. For you Baofeng lovers and haters, seems they have a new version for 2021 that is pretty good regarding spurious emissions. It is also Tx locked to the ham bands. From Dave Casler's most recent live stream, here are the emissions of a UV-5R and the new GT-5R, both at 146.520MHz. UV-5R (the hourglasses are due to when I snagged the screenshot while he was moving his mouse): GT-5R: New video just about the radio: https://youtu.be/1JyM8oNtoaE
  13. There is no "request a vanity callsign" link in the ULS for GMRS licenses like there is for amateur radio.
  14. I almost never use mine (GMRS in general, not the license ID). There's no one around except a couple of neighborhood kids where big sis bosses lil' sis around. Which brings me to my question - on the shared frequencies, how does one know if they are using FRS vs GMRS? Maybe there should be a true band split with no shared frequencies.
  15. I'm not sure if this is all-inclusive, but in general you will need to give Chirp the rights to access USB and the disk/directories where you store the code plugs. https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/MacOS_Tips Also, have you used the cable with this radio in the past? Not all are equal and some found on sites like Amazon are fakes. This one is known to work with Baofeng: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HUB0ONK
  16. When I first started programming my DMR radio I put in a channel for each TG I thought I would like. Let me tell you that got tedious. With another repeater I can hit from home I set up only 2 channels, one for each time slot. If something pops up, I can select that TG on the fly.
  17. Oh yeah, that Anytone CPS is horrible. The cut/copy& paste is weak, can't select blocks of channels to move. The keyboard shortcuts for move up/down don't work (at least on v1.21). Several times I have had to reload the file because it/I screwed up beyond recovery. As for scan lists, you can program a button for "nuisance delete" that will skip that channel during the scan, but doesn't actually delete it from the list. Very nice, especially if you are getting a lot of noise on one.
  18. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. My stuff about the scan lists was more about the radio itself not that it was DMR explicitly. I guess what I mean is using CHIRP for my Baofeng is....different and I might say easier than the CPS for the Anytone and that's simply because the Anytone does so much more. I just got off the phone with a fellow who runs the local DMR repeater I can hit (owns 14 others sprinkled around Maryland and Pennsylvania) and now I understand why the videos and write-ups had me so confused with my results. They are pretty much all using and are about Brandmeister and this network uses Motorola's c-Bridge. Things are just done differently. This guy was fantastic and very friendly. He not only alleviated my fears of doing something "wrong" on the repeater, he encouraged me to play and if something comes up where I need help or I think it would be good opportunity for instruction or clarity for his site for the repeaters, to let him know. One major thing he pointed out is the info about this network of repeaters is simply wrong on repeaterbook.com, but he gave up trying to get it fixed and fixed again if something changed. That in itself was part of my problem - bad info. So...maybe I should reevaluate my "don't get DMR radio as a very first radio" thought. The more I learn, the more it does make sense. One thing I do know - I love this radio. It's so much better with reception as well which makes it that much more enjoyable. Thanks again SuperG.
  19. I have DMR working, but some of it just doesn't make sense to me. For example, for scanning analog, why do channels need to go into a scan list when the channel config itself also has to be set to that scan list? One or the other should suffice. I'm sure given its corporate design there is a reason for some of these peculiarities, but I'm missing it. Next thing to try for fun is sending SMS, but everything I have seen on the subject requires a Brandmeister repeater and there are none around me. The one I can hit is on a regional network. I'm trying to balance "exploration and learning" with "hey, dummy, what are you doing to my repeater" with trying things. A hotspot is probably next on my list of things to get. This is starting to get as expensive as scuba. My wallet will really hate me when I get my General ticket.
  20. Oh my - you have to love the information gained from Q&A. Question: What fcc registration category does this device operate under? (eg. part 15, part 90, part 95, part 97, etc.) Answer: CommunicationBy Yolanda on February 5, 2021
  21. I recommend this series of books by Craig "Buck" K4IA. I like his philosophy of not using the usual sources because for every right answer they have, there are 3 wrong answers your brain is picking up. He only focuses on the right answers so they stand out on the test. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1985125641/
  22. I just got my DMR radio a week ago. I'm not a fan of the learning curve for DMR, but I must confess I was thrilled when I got my first Parrot reply. Not much activity that I can hear on the TGs I picked for my area. This includes the state and region TGs, but could just be not being able to get a signal Next up: Learning the purpose of the TAC 310-319 TGs and why 310 is labeled the way it is...and is that why 3100 was created....etc. Also toying with APRS and have analog set up, but don't either don't have digital right or my repeaters don't accept it. Not a big deal as this is more of something just to learn. There are enough things that track our every movement whether or not we like it. I don't need to willingly add another. Since you just got your ticket, be forewarned - setting up a DMR radio, even with just analog frequencies/repeaters is very different and more involved than how it's done on an analog radio. It has quite a learning curve. Some Elmers suggest not getting a DMR radio as a first. I personally am glad I started with an inexpensive analog. I have had an Anytone AT-D878UV for a week and some aspects of it have me mentally shouting "WHY was DMR designed this way!? DMR was designed for commerical/enterprise use and adopted for amateur radio, but being "commercial" doesn't answer the "why" for me. Anytone's quirky software adds to some of the "WHY" in my mind. I love CHIRP which I use for my Baofeng, but most if not all DMR radios require the software from their manufacturers. I hear RT Systems code plug software is excellent, but they don't support the 878. It's pretty cool once you get it, though. One bit of advice which sounds like you may have already done to some degree - check what is most common in your area. In mine most digital repeaters are System Fusion which leaves me out in the cold with my DMR radio, but I can hit a DMR repeater from my QTH. But the price/feature combo for the Anytone is what sold me. I have the Plus model which comes with Bluetooth that works with car systems and good ol' earpieces. It also has a Bluetooth PTT button with velcro that can be strapped to a steering wheel for driving or a backpack strap for hiking. Based on the timing you hearing about D-RATS I take it you are a fellow HRCC fan?
  23. If a picture is worth 1000 words, maybe video is worth 10,000 words. It's easier than to type it all. Dealing with a gov site...never fun. You can skip ahead to the payment part since you've done the rest already. https://youtu.be/t2XnY0iC_ug Warning - the intro is somewhat loud compared to the reset of the video.
  24. The guy from NotARubicon put out a newer video where he includes what he learned about SWR measurement and HTs. Not sure even the bracket method would suffice. Maybe recording the readings to video while using/holding the HT the "right" way and reading the numbers from the video would be best? https://youtu.be/p9O_l4BO8hc
  25. Josh from Ham Radio Crash Course recommends this cable. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HUB0ONK?ref=exp_hamradiocrashcourse_dp_vv_d
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