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  1. To solve the external speaker problem, I use an inexpensive FM modulator and listen with the vehicle stereo/radio. Use a "Y" connecter if you want to listen to both.
  2. I have always been curious about this antenna as to how it seems to work quite well at "5 wave links long." Historically, I was taught that antennas typically maxed out at 5/8 wave.
  3. Based on your response, the fact that there is a remote potential to damage the GMRS receiver should someone transmit on 11 meters, I decided to take down the 11 meter antenna and will relocate it onto another building, at least 30 feet away. I put the GMRS antenna in it's place and that was the easiest thing to do on this near 40 degree, sunny day. Thank you for your reply, Dennis Goethe
  4. Will a 5/8 wave 11 meter antenna have any negative impact on a GMRS "J-Pole" (from KB9VBR Antennas) mounted 3 feet away at the same height (on a house roof)? I am primarily concerned about GMRS performance and rarely transmit on 11 meters. Thank you, Dennis Goethe
  5. "Well, since you seem to know more than the people who have responded to your post, why bother asking in the first place?" I'm not sure what this comment is based on. My "GMRS knowledge" is based only on what I have been able to find on here in this group and from listening to others talk on GMRS. Surprising, GMRS seems to be much like what the "evil CB" you condescendingly refer to was in the early 1960's when as a teenager and had a single channel walkie-talkie.. This issue has now been resolved, but not with any of the "helpful feedback" from this thread. I notice that most of those who replied have one other thing in common. That is not surprising.
  6. "for the most part GMRS is not about talking to someone you dont know. Most GMRS users use it to talk to family or personal friends. .." LOL... I listen to several of the daily and weekly national nets. I would like to participate in them. I find it a bit difficult to believe that these nation wide groups are mostly "family and personal friends." I monitor the Janesville repeater. The conversations reveal that most users were strangers before meeting on GMRS. You are comparing my interest in GMRS to CB based on just my name, and newly issued license? "Perhaps the owners are busy, changed emails or simply want to limit traffic on their repeater" That does not explain the routine addition I hear of others. Including one personal friend this past Friday.
  7. Reminds me of what we used to say in the Air Force 53 years ago. Always get two of everything, one to _hit on and one to cover it up with. I could get a 2nd radio, but really don't need one to talk to myself. I thought having a GMRS setup might come in handy for when the SHTF. Maybe by the time that day comes I will finally get a reply? lol
  8. Yes, I have had my license for several weeks (on my screen, the callsign is even listed), To request permission from the web site, it is required. Even before requesting access to the repeaters, I hear others granted access almost daily. I fully understand repeaters are privately owned and as such, they are free to do as they wish. Two of them are listed as open. The Janesville one is the only that requires permission. If not for hearing other newcomers since I have applied, I might think the grantors are on vacation, ill or just too busy. I am considering setting up a repeater in my area, but at this point, I have no proof my new radio actually transmits. The vast majority of traffic I hear is on the repeaters that are all 30-50 miles away. It seems I am the only one in the vast corn and bean fields of northwest Illinois that has a "base station".
  9. New to GMRS. 2nd day with WRKP227 - Reside in the northwest cornfields of The Peoples Republic Of Illinois. First radio was a CB in 1963. Intended to go HAM but after my 18th birthday, L.B.J. invited me to join a different group and that changed everything. Much to learn. Setting up a base, waiting on a J-Pole antenna from KB9VBR on the other side of the Cheddar Curtain. Thanks in advance.
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