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Sbsyncro last won the day on April 14 2021

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    CA Central Coast
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    Jeeps, hunting, fishing, spearfishing, Baja, overlanding

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  1. Cause the DB20-UV is on sale right now on Radioddity's web site... Ehh.... looks like inventory is Europe only?
  2. Thanks. I generally don't scan frequencies unless I'm cruising the highway and bored and want to listen to field workers, warehouse forklift operators, and kids on walkie talkies. I had no intention of having PRICH-SW on (in fact I'd programmed it off) but I must have fat-fingered the keypad at some point and changed the setting over the weekend. Additional testing seems to indicate that this was the source of both issues, so chalk this one up to "User Error"...
  3. It looks like there might be a cause to this. However I am still testing and investigating, as it doesn't adequately address the "dropout" problem. I just looked at my saved codeplug and PRICH-SW is OFF but on the radio it was ON. I also see that PRI-CH is set to 001 (which is GMRS-01 on my radio). What must be happening is that I inadvertently turned on priority scan and that by default it was set to memory slot 001 so any time a signal was received on 001 (GMRS-1) it would break through my normal channel. However, there only seems to be one PRICH-SW setting (not separate for the A & B sides), yet I was only having this issue on the A side of the radio and not the B side. Maybe it only works on the A side?
  4. If these radios are "disposable" after 3 years, I'd probably rather spend $150 versus $400 and go with a Radioddity or Btech. In my usage the benefits of this radio are outweighed by the issues I've had with it (and its high cost). Honestly I have used the Radioddity DB20 ($90 radio) as my "base camp" radio for a couple of years (along with a 30' mast). It gets battered and is exposed to the elements while camped (I mag-mount it to the rear "galley" of my camp trailer exterior while camped) and it has never let me down and always works, never exhibiting the weird glitches the KG1000 seems to exhibit. It just "works"...
  5. Yea, I'm swapping this radio out for a $90 Radioddity DB20-G that has always performed really well. Once unlocked it has almost the features of the KG1000 (and no noisy fan). I hope I can get the KG1000 radio working properly and re-install it because there have been situations where it definitely outperforms the Radioddity DB20 and DB25 units I have.
  6. I was one of the "early adopters" of the KG1000 and it has been my main radio in my Jeep for about 3 years now. The KG1000G has always had some issues (had to replace one radio early on because of mic gain issues and static/popcorn that would not go away). But the issue have started to become obvious defects and I'm hoping that perhaps a firmware update or something like that might make the radio function properly. The latest two issues are as follows: 1. Normally I run with Channel 15 (with tones) on the A side of the radio and Channel 17 with tones on the B Side (our club uses these are our A and B channels). While on GMRS channel 15 (462.550) or 17 (462.600) on the A-side of the radio (these are the only two tested), there is constant bleed-over from FRS channel 1 (462.5625). Every time some kid on a walkie talkie starts sqwawking (or there is a blast of interference on that frequency like in my video as I was sitting in an In-n-Out drive-through), it breaks the squelch on my radio and stomps over whatever legitimate traffic is on my selected frequency. The display will even briefly indicate "GMRS-01" while the interference is happening. This does NOT happen on the B side of the radio. I have tried adjusting the squelch up and down and it makes no difference. This makes the radio nearly unusable and I have to shut off the A side of the radio and only use the B side. 2. On both the A and B sides of the radio, regardless of what frequency or channel I am using, ALL broadcasts received will "clip" a few seconds into the transmission (drop out so I cannot hear for about 1 to 2 seconds). If I am running an HT right next to the KG1000-G it will NOT exhibit this problem, so I know for certain that the issue is the KG1000 itself. I can reproduce this issue at will by having another radio make a broadcast longer than about 10-15 seconds. I have also tested with my DB20-G and it does not have this problem while running trails with my group. Do either of these issues sound familiar to anyone, and if so is there a firmware update to address the issue? I don't know what the warranty period is on this radio, but it looks like I'm coming up on the 3 year mark of owning it. (honestly based on my experience with this radio I'm not sure I can continue to recommend it!). Maybe I just got a buggy one but its been problematic throughout its lifetime with me... Buytwowayradio has always provided great support - I hope there is an easy fix to this issue so I don't have to replace the KG1000 in my main vehicle with my cheapie backup radio (which never has problems!) IMG_1286.mov
  7. https://mygmrs.com/repeater/6209 https://mygmrs.com/repeater/7496 And I think I said "700" but meant 650 and 675 (not 700) I'm assuming the name comes from the El Paso mountains in that area.
  8. Found this thread because I too picked up this repeater during my last drive to Death Valley. I was picking its automated message all the way out past Mojave until just about Ridgecrest or perhaps slightly beyond. (FWIW, the 650 and 700 El Paso repeaters appeared to be online but no one home as I passed through the area on a Thursday evening). I'm just starting to tinker with repeaters, so I was very curious about this "LA Echo 1" repeater that I was hearing from San Dimas all the way to Ridgecrest!
  9. In fairness, this is a very common limitation; even with the higher end Midland base station radios. It seems weird to me, since I don't think it is a "weird" request to want to have the "open" GMRS channel available while at the same time having a "custom" version of that channel with tones saved as a DIY channel - it certainly doesn't break any FCC rules that I can think of.
  10. Is it possible to set up a "DIY simplex channel with tones? I don't want to overwrite the existing CH 15, but instead want to create a copy of it but with tones. I was able to do this with my DB20-G by "unlocking" it, but there does not seem to be such a capability with the GM-30. Thanks,
  11. reviving an old thread here.. I'm setting this radio up for a friend using the software. I don't see any options for locking the keypad/mic buttons. He apparently has it mounted next to his knee in his jeep and is constantly changing settings. Is there way to lock the keys like there is on most HTs (and my Wouxun KG1000G)? A couple other questions: The "Vice-Machine Display" option under the Function Setup offers three options: Frequency/Channel, Battery Voltage, and Off. It seems that the only way to disable "dual watch" is to set this to "Off"? If scanning both the A and B channels, does the "Revert Channel" option under the "Information of Scanning Channel" tree determine the behavior when a signal is detected on one of the channels? If so, would the "Last Called" selection cause the next transmission to go to the channel that received most recently? If so, what is the difference between that choice and "Selected+Talkback"? Lastly is there a BCL (busy channel lockout) setting somewhere that I just don't seem to be able to find?
  12. But doesn't this only apply to *transmitting* and not to receiving? In other words the HT was RECEIVING signals that were being transmitted by a 15w radio and ghost antenna and a 50w radio with a 1/4 wave mag mount antenna on a big ground plane. (the latter came in much more clearly than the former).
  13. In the Jeep I have the Wouxun KG-1000G with Midland MXTA24 cable routed to a home-made aluminum mount that is attached to an aluminum Rhino rack that bolts to a backbone frame which in turn bolts to the body tub (all painted/finished connection points). I'm running the Midland MXTA26 6db antenna. I also carry a Radioddity GM-30 HT for jumping out and spotting, etc. On a recent outing to Panamint Valley, I headed back to camp early and left the rest of my group as they headed up a new trail a few thousand feet in elevation above camp and about 5 air miles away. They then climbed higher and farther back into a canyon, but crossed a few ridges during their trip. They ended up a good 10-12 miles from me and deep back in a canyon. From camp I was monitoring them from both my fixed and HT radios. I was able to talk to them almost the entire time from the Wouxun radio but there were MANY times when I did not pick up their comms on the Wouxun but I did on the HT (clearly enough to understand them). I dropped the squelch on the Wouxun all the way down to "1" and it made no difference. The Wouxun seemed to be overly selective and did not open the squelch. I did not have a chance to turn the squelch off entirely to see the difference. It was not consistent - sometimes the Wouxun would pick up traffic that the HT did not, but it was usually the other way around. I found this extremely puzzling. Should I be re-thinking my in-Jeep setup after convincing myself that I had "the best" setup using the highest quality gear? Could it just be that the antenna is not grounded properly? Or is it just that the Wouxun is overly selective? I definitely found it disconcerting that a $30 HT was essentially outperforming my $600 setup in the Jeep in a "real world" scenario!
  14. Thank you. I had no idea that the choice of Coax could have such a profound effect! Nor did I realize that I'd have to spend more on cable than I did on the radio. LOL
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