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    in the sticks
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  1. Sorry if no one likes my point of view -- I have experienced the crap I was describing. I really want to hear both sides of an argument (as long as it civil and respectful) No one wants to hear a lame argument being reduced to the lowest common denominator. If the topic is politics, so be it. Like my dad said "don't argue with a moron, he'll bring you down to his level and beat you with experience"
  2. I agree about foul language and general nasty stuff......but have you forgotten which country you live in? I will speak on any subject I want - politics included. A good and thoughtful argument should not be censored. I will not 'walk on eggs' to satisfy some big headed 'repeater' owner. Don't like it, turn yours off and I will turn mine on.
  3. I guess there's no chirp in Morris Code -- just Meows?
  4. I have some RT27V's and the right programming software....not much there but you can shut off the startup voice and kill the beeps, also add pl tones -- It is just the 5 MURS channels so no extra programmable channels The same cable for baofeng programming works with them. (so do speaker-mics) Small, very easy to use. (they work with any other radio on those frequencies, why wouldn't they?). I learned the hard way not to use the RT27 FRS software, it bricks the radio. I like them. This is an old thread, and the OP has probably already made his mind up
  5. That's an old "504 set", one of the first "combined" set. No separate ringer box. (Those things were loud!) (I was one of "Ma Bell's kids) As stated before, practice sending too.......a 'dash' (dah) is 3 times longer than a 'dot' (dit) and a bit longer between words.......don't worry about speed - it just comes with practice - don't give up
  6. Interesting, it was not like that in DC 10 years ago - I guess things have picked up since I left Arlington, VA
  7. What difference does it make anyway?
  8. This is what I see when I click on it:
  9. Hmm, no problem for me. You're not on my ignore list or I wouldn't see your post..... Maybe I'm on yours and you chose to read that post (?) Maybe that link was on an earlier post when I couldn't figure out how to place my avatar...... Maybe it's too early and I not fully coffied up yet
  10. Not with mine, my GM21 works just fine - it does what it should -- so does my UV21. Your problem description is a bit vague......what are you trying to do??
  11. Moe: Oh, look a microphonie Curley: and a phony at the mic (nyuk nyuk nyuk)
  12. I had a UV5-G that had no xmit on ch 15 - I contacted the seller and he sent me a firmware fix that corrected it......xmit and rcv on ch 15 now ok. I like those lil uv5s, I have both amateur and gmrs versions with large batteries, I use them for extended scanning times. I have both the amateur and gmrs uv21s and use them more now, and have access to another dead ham band (1.25m).
  13. Was it the signal strength? Or, was it not talking where the mic input is? That would make for low audio and a bad signal reception. Don't hold it like it is a phone, you may not be getting to the mic loud enough.
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