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  1. The Garmin unit in the photo is a Garmin inReach 750i. It has Topo maps installed, I’ve just had it zoomed into a relatively small area of flat land. There is a contour line in upper left hand corner of the map.
  2. On my Garmin GPS unit I have waypoints saved wfor local GMRS repeaters. When traveling I’ll generally set up a direct route to an interesting repeater. The GPS shows name of repeater, direct distance, and a pink line shows the direction to repeater. What’s missing is whether there is a clear line of sight to the repeater. An elevation profile that changes as you move showing the max elevation of the blocking mountain. It would be helpful if the amount of blocking updates as well. Like it’s only a 100’ of a 3000’ block. That way you see if terrain is an issue for poor coms.
  3. I tried the RT Systems application on my RT-60. Only one code is allowed for RX and TX, unless the repeater you're using uses CTCSS on one side and DCS on the other. I now own a RT-65 for that very reason. I like the way the menus work on the 65. I have several Wouxan GMRS radios, so I was very familiar with their menu operation. So picking up the 65 for the first time was like using an HP calculator after only having TI models. After a couple of days I now think the RT-65 has a better logic. The RT-60 is built like a battleship. Yaesu first built this model in 2004. It's solid and I intend to use it on 4WD trails using simplex.
  4. Page 22-23 Cover general CTCSS and DCS operation no mention of split tones Page 24 Covers Tone Search Page 25 covers Bell Operation at top Page 25 Bottom sorta covers split tones. What I need is split DCS tones, one for RX one for TX. The "D" option is for encode only. I tried that by setting the TX code, never heard anything out of my radio because it set the same code for RX.
  5. Just purchased a Yaesu FT-60 with the mars mod so it will operate on GMRS frequencies. Does anyone know if split squelch codes can be set on the radio. In other words, where the RX code and TX code are different. Or is it necessary to use a programming cable and PC.
  6. I have mine set to always on. That way I don’t notice it when I hit PTT button. One thing I have noticed, however, is when it is cold outside, the fan is really loud for about a minute after starting my Jeep. Once I’ve driven a block or so, the noise is barely noticeable. I also have a Midland MXT500 and Wouxan KG-XS20G. Neither have a fan. Hasn’t been a problem this winter. Most of these radios, I thought, are designed to shut down at high temps. Also, keeping your rag chewing to reasonable lengths can help!
  7. I'll send mine in if I get the same response. Mine only uses about 5A on transmit.
  8. Channels 1-7
  9. Forgot to mention. the power output on channels is only 2.5-3 watts which is lower than most of my handhelds.
  10. I also got my MXT500 a few days ago. The feature to fill in channels 8-14 with repeaters is very nice. But I love the mic connection. Very much like a CB mic connection. Those RJ-45 connections just beg for collecting dirt. I currently have the KG-1000G installed in my Jeep. Sooo many options. Too many really. This Midland has 15 menu options, most of which I'm smart enough to use. Midland is much easier to pronounce than Wouxun. Good solid feel. Fewer buttons than the MXT 400. Good use of the channel knob in selection and changing options. I tried two different USB to USB-C cables that did not allow communications between the PC and radio. Thought it was a driver issue. But then tried a couple of bulkier cables and it worked perfectly. Like the use of the scan button to add and delete channels from the scan. Split tones were a little different to enter on the radio, but once you get the hang of it, fine. Seriously considering replacing my 1000G with this dandy.
  11. With the engine off (after about 30 seconds) the noise goes away. Noise is on Wouxan KG-1000G AND several HTs. Will try your suggestion, tweiss3
  12. The other day, I turned My gmrs radio to Channel 6. There was static, sometimes constant active RX. Similar to a person in my group accidentally keying a mic. Same thing was happening on several other radios I had in the car. I made certain that they were all turned off. No other member of my group was experiencing this rx. It's almost as if my car engine was the source of the transmission. Is this unusual?? What else could be the source?
  13. Very helpful and easy to understand, mbrun. The KG-1000G users manual is generally pretty good at lining out the options, just not very good at how they are practically implemented.
  14. Forgot to mention the options for DTMFST DT-ST: Activates keypad sidetone ANI-ST: Activates Caller ID sidetone DT+ANT: Activates both keypad and Caller ID sidetones
  15. I assume that this works to limit the use of GMRS repeaters to only certain radio IDs. The repeater owner(s) decide what group of IDs to accept, and the radios that are accepted change their PTT-IDs to one of those numbers. My Wouxun KG-1000G also has menu options for ANI-EDIT and DTMFST. ANI-EDIT sets the caller ID for the radio, but I don't understand exactly how the DTMFST function works with PTT-ID.
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