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About jbkalla

  • Birthday 07/20/1967

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  • Name
    John B Kalla
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  • Location
    Palmer Lake, CO

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  1. In my RAV4, I have a ProClip for the KG-1000G faceplate and mic. It takes up the middle vent. For an antenna, I use the Nagoya NL-770G-NMO in a hood lip mount. The radio is wired directly to the battery and I have a smallish external speaker mounted below all this. This setup seems to work just fine for me. Haven't noticed any issues at all.
  2. Going off the BTWRs article, Which Wouxun radios are superheterodyne?, I created this spreadsheet and added the BetterSafeRadio versions. Thought somebody might find it useful. Excel or CSV format. Feel free to change or add, or suggest changes. wouxun-radios.xlsx wouxun-radios.csv
  3. I followed @wayoverthere’s advice and got a ProClip for my RAV4 and KG-1000G: I just had to drill a 2nd hole to match the middle holes in the head unit. The mic hangar is just a metal hangar with the 3M sticky on the back. I think it's similar to this one at WalMart. (can't remember where exactly I ordered it from)
  4. Wow. I may have been programming my radios incorrectly. I also thank you for that.
  5. The RAV4 has a Wouxun KG-1000G (with a Wouxun KG-S88G in the glovebox) and at home I mostly use the Wouxun KG-935G.
  6. In my book, superhet beats non-superhet, and since I listen a lot more than I transmit, that's important to me. My choice was between the Midland units and the Wouxun, and because I wanted superheterodyne, I chose the Wouxun. I also like the features and the programmability. I don't regret that purchase at all! It also sent me on a Wouxun buying spree, for some reason. Seems like every HT they came out with, I bought.
  7. I personally like the idea of nostalgia and using Ch19 for the travel channel, but I'm not tied to that. Thirty years ago, I would have said everybody knows Ch19 and it might be easier for new users, but I think that's probably not valid anymore. Ch20 also seems like a decent choice, and it's a nice round number!
  8. You could probably use LMR240, which is more flexible and has a smaller outer diameter, but has maybe double the loss. Still way better than RG-58, and at 30-35ft, the loss difference might not be high enough to worry about. But I have no hands-on experience with either. I'm sure somebody else here does.
  9. Cell phone antennas, right? https://dgtlinfra.com/cell-tower-locations-4g-lte-5g-towers/
  10. On the plus side, the Wouxun radios have been tested by either bettersaferadios or buytwowayradios (can't remember which) and the wattage matches what they state. I really like the KG-935G as well. If you don't want to spend so much, the KG-916 is supposed to be decent (and has a superheterodyne receiver!). Even cheaper are the KG-905 and KG-805 radios, both with superhet. The KG-S88G has IP7 waterproofing. The KG-UV9GX is probably the most featured radio.
  11. That's a good choice as well. I like the waterproofing and the superhet receiver, as well as the colors (mine is orange!). Not a fan of the small display, but it works super-well in rough conditions! I keep it in my car along with the charger just in case.
  12. I'm a huge fan of superheterodyne receivers, so I like some of the Wouxun products. Even though it's not a superhet product, lots of people like the Wouxun KG-935G+. I really like its interface and it's easy to use. I'm also a fan of the KG-905G series for simpler, less-expensive radios, as well as the KG-916. The KG-805G is even less expensive and still has the superhet receiver.
  13. 1. DTCS Code: 025; DTCS Rx: 025; NN 2. DTCS Code: 315; DTCS Rx: 411; NN I believe that's correct anyway! Somebody will correctly me if I'm wrong, I hope.
  14. OH!!! I didn't know that! I figured it was all due to the amount of transmitters or something! Thank you for that.
  15. I could be wrong, but are the transmit and receive tones supposed to be the same? If so, don't set to 'TSQL', just set to 'Tone'. I THINK... I don't have it here in front of me... If only the receive tone is supposed to be set, remove the "Tone" setting. I'm guessing somebody else can answer this better than me.
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