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Everything posted by WRHS218

  1. I won't be a member of any club that would accept me as a member...
  2. Late to the party... I have the HAM version of the UV9GX and two 935g+ among others. The 935G+ is my goto radio and both of mine have been used and abused. The build quality is good and heavy duty. There is a learning curve but it is fairly easy one. Sorry to hear about you medical condition. Cancer sucks (first hand knowledge). Enjoy your radio. I am off to go take care of my two grandkids for the morning.
  3. That is a healthy approach to life in general.
  4. Welcome to the asylum.
  5. I travel to TX several times a year to visit family. I joined a GMRS club that has repeaters in the area I visit so I can use their repeaters (I understand the repeaters are privately owned by a single licensee) when I'm there. The membership is free. You can become a paying member or donate if you want to but the basic membership, which allows you to use their repeaters, is free. Because I don't play well with others I don't care to join clubs, GMRS or HAM. I understand when a GMRS club wants to know who is using their equipment so they require membership. I did not realize that there are GMRS clubs that require you to be a paying member to use their repeaters.
  6. From what I understand Taylor Swift tickets are more expensive than most FCC fines.
  7. I didn't see the question either (and still don't). Great response from the people that did see it though.
  8. There were two repeaters I occasionally use in my area that didn't start out being link but ended up that way. I don't keep up with that stuff so the way I found out was I had both repeaters up on my 935G as I came down off the mountain. I was going to meet a friend in the valley. I called out on one of the repeaters we had agreed on and lo and behold I heard the transmission on both repeaters. One of those repeaters is now offline. So, as wayoverthere stated, you can definitely be hearing yourself on a repeater that is linked using a different channel/frequency.
  9. I so wanted to post a meme that talks about debating. However, not wanting to walk the line between humor and politics I will just supply the punchline... "Debating is a lot like riding a bike..." I now return you to your regularly scheduled dead horse thread.
  10. Nokones is correct. None of those reach to the East side of the sierras. There was one repeater outside of Bishop that I requested and received access to and then a couple of weeks later the owner posted an update letting everyone know that the repeater had been stolen. He is in the process of replacing it now. Other than that one there re a couple of machines in Ridgecrest that reach a little bit of 395. I have not used them but the two El Paso Peak repeaters look like they 395. There isn't much north of Lone Pine except for the Bishop machine.
  11. WRHS218

    GRMS Needed?

    You don't really need a cell phone. Or a spare tire...
  12. You are now the neighbor of the beast...
  13. What radios do you have that you need to replace? The KG-935G+ is my favorite as well, but there other decent radios out there. Where and how you will use them as well as how much you are wanting spend will affect your search results. Let us know what you are using now and, perhaps, why they need to be replaced.
  14. My wife and I attended a Memorial Day ceremony at the Indian Cemetery at the Wassama Round House in Ahwahnee, CA this morning. There is one WW1 veteran buried there. There was a rifle salute and the playing of Taps. It was a good reminder...
  15. I bought a used 1973 Datsun B-210 in the early 80s. One day headed to work I hit a puddle of tallow in the middle of a sharp turn in the road going about 15mph and slid on top of the only large rock in Dallas county. I bent the unibody so much it would wouldn't drive straight.
  16. A sense of humor is a handy thing to have on the interwebs. As the Queen of All Things GMRS, he brings information and laughs. The people that don't get that probably have a tough time going through day to day life.
  17. Yes, as a matter of fact. And his daughter. Oh my!
  18. I operated a power plant for over 30 years and the antenna for our UHF site radios was less than 70 feet from a 72KV transformer and transmission lines. There was no special grounding for the base station or antenna (professionally installed). We never had any problems with TX/RX. Where I live now I have a GMRS j-pole less than 100 feet from 200+KV transmission lines and have no issues.
  19. While not totally waterproof IP66 is better than most radios out there. Luckily I haven't dropped my 935Gs in deep water yet.
  20. I have owned the 935G and the 935G+. The 935G is a great GMRS radio. Not only for GMRS simplex and repeater use but for listening to other frequencies. I programmed mine with local LEO and Fire frequencies. I also programmed railroad frequencies to scan on trips because I enjoy that type of thing. I have used the radio in the rain and snow and have had a drop or two onto hard surfaces with no damage. I purchased the 935G+ as it was advertised as having more volume which helped me out before I got hearing aids. The stock antennas are pretty good as well. If it is in your budget for a GMRS radio I don't think you can go wrong with either.
  21. My wife is to refer to me as El Conquistador when in public or on the air.
  22. You might also want to check out the Queen of Everything GMRS's video channel. He has a few GMRS related videos.
  23. I think BoxCar is right, probably not enough current to run both at the same time. You might try some simple and quick troubleshooting using the battery pack for the radio and leave the SR-112 plugged into the wall. If that works reverse that and try with just the SR-112 running off of the battery pack and the radio plugged into the wall. If the system works both ways it would tend to confirm that there isn't enough current for both pieces of equipment at once. If one or the other won't work powered by the battery pack it could mean there isn't enough capable of powering that piece of equipment by it's self.
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