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Everything posted by Borage257

  1. RadioMobileOnline has the function you are looking for. The accounts are free. https://www.ve2dbe.com/rmonline_s.asp
  2. Oh no, I’m thinking of getting a second at some point (after I upgrade my HTs from the UV5G). I’ve done a fair amount of googling to get all the features listed and unlisted figured out. Some, like the “1” key moving Channel Name cursor to the right, I came across by messing around with the radio. I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere.
  3. Some one needs to write a better manual for this/these unit(s)
  4. Mine is an Anytone. I think I have the same problems.
  5. It’s always good to have a backup… …mine might be, uh, misplaced… Mine is opened, and I use the Anytone software.
  6. Look at the miklor website for instructions on making a back up programming cable. https://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_ProgrCableAT779.php
  7. I have the same issue, even with the “new” firmware I can get it to stick if I set up a channel thru VFO mode. But changing it and it sticking (if you move channels it forgets in channel mode) is not happening. Same with naming channels from the front face. interestingly the “1” button will move the ‘cursor’ to the right. “4” to the left What frequency “mode” or range is the radio set to?
  8. Being inside can block some signal. If you move towards a window, signal will likely improve. Your radio may be picking up some faint signal from a local business or school too.
  9. Add yours and the repeaters antenna height, if known in meters (divide ft by 3.3). looks like there are some hills in the way (left hand side of the plot).
  10. This is also pretty good RF line of sight and topography calculator https://www.scadacore.com/tools/rf-path/rf-line-of-sight/
  11. Height will certainly help, also check the terrain between you two. Another thing to try would be a higher gain vertical or a yagi. I have a a similar repeater about 45 miles distant as the crow flies. My jpole is at 30’ and I can barely get in most of time. But with a HT and yagi (at 10’) I can always get in very well. In order I usually go to (1) height (2/3) gain (2/3) cable (look at LMR400 or KMR400) (4) radio/ radio power. I’ve done 75 miles to a repeater with an HT and a yagi on my roof top (32’).
  12. you likely also downloaded the cable's driver
  13. What radio did you order? The simplex channels will work out of the box. The repeater channels will have to have tones added to them for accessing you local repeaters. You can find the tones in the repeater search on this website. As far as adding tones, your manual will tell you how to do that. Programming on the computer generally allows you to name channels and add them a bit easier.
  14. 1.) You can upgrade the antenna, but I do not find it necessary in my area. If you choose to get an upgraded antenna you will need a 'SMA Male' antenna. Some people like Smiley antennas and Nagoya antennas. Signal Sticks are also worth a look. Since you have the UV-5G just get something tuned for GMRS. 2.) The CT icon is showing up to tell you there is a tone set for R-CTCS. Unless you have interference (some one else transmitting on the RX channel) you generally don't need a tone in the R-CTCS slot. 3.) Yes, there is. The easiest way to do this is in Chirp. The far right hand column is labeled "skip". Select 'S' in the cell to skip the channel.
  15. What radio are you using? To hit a repeater under "Duplex" select the "+" and in "OFFSET" type in 5.0000. Picture is pulled from generic GMRS info in chirp.
  16. Under "Tone" or "Tone Mode" you can select "TSQL" and then under TONE or ToneSql select the tone from the drop down menu
  17. Got one on the car, works good. I've also used it on my window unit before I got my mast.
  18. Ask away
  19. pulling the squelch tone off your receive will let you hear any transmission on that frequency.
  20. Try removing the tone on the R-CTCS.
  21. Borage257


    What do you mean you reset the radio?
  22. What purpose will the antenna serve? Base, Mobile, just a better HT antenna? Yagi?
  23. Yes, you can transmit on channels 1-30. Repeater channels are labeled REPTR1-REPTR8 (channels 23-30). Once you have the tones set, you can transmit to your desired repeater.
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