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Everything posted by wqpn591

  1. Sometimes I get a comment if someone is having some sort of trouble or has a question. I get an email but when I log into mygmrs.com and look at the comments, its not there so I cannot reply to the comment. Is there some limit to the number of comments that would keep it from being stored?
  2. Midland MXT275 tone 2 is 71.9 per the chart in the manual. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/downloads/dl/file/id/1434/product/4523/midland_mxt275_owners_manual.pdf use that CTCSS tone on the Wouxun for both Tx and Rx.
  3. Does the repeater have a tail set? Its not guaranteed but is common.
  4. try turning the mic gain setting off. Had similar issue with a Radioddity and that fixed it.
  5. I did the DIY with a pair of Wouxun KG1000G units. Was not happy with performance as the RF is pretty sloppy on those. The Bridgecom unit works way better. also upgraded a cheap antenna to this https://theantennafarm.com/shop-by-manufacturers/results,1-24?keyword=DB408-B&x=0&y=0&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0 also made world of difference.
  6. Or just buy one of these https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/collections/amateur-radio-repeaters/products/bcr-40du and decent antenna and away you go.
  7. Yeah, did run a prop. Its here https://sites.towercoverage.com/default.aspx?mcid=44585&Acct=134 It is a bit hilly around here so lots of gaps. Since I'm pretty high in elevation relative to surrounding areas, it covers pretty well. Not a high mountain but reasonable. I've actually talked to a guy on a mobile about 40 miles to the east. Well, I'm just going to use it as is for now and one day maybe I'll install a small tower to get antenna up a bit more.
  8. I am actual testing with a different user on the repeater. On tone 250.3 Hz. Radios inside are Maxon 8402A. This works way better than the Wouxun KG1000G as that one would not run on max power without a bandpass cavity on the Rx radio side. I'm trying not to do that as it reduces my receive signal by a few db. One problem I discovered with my mobile unit(Radioddity DB-25G) was the mic gain was set to 30 (out of 120) and voice was garbled. Turned gain off and now voice clarity is much better. could have been mistaken for "nothing coming through" in my previous test. Tested from the same stop today and it seemed to work fine. Still testing but thanks for the idea to try in simplex mode to check for desense.
  9. when testing, I'm on a mobile phone with my wife who is at home and I'm about 13 miles away. she is several hundred feed away from repeater unit. My mobile unit has external roof mount antenna. Big question is if the repeater receives my signal and can decode the tone well enough to break squelch, why would no audio come through? Repeater is this on https://mygmrs.com/repeater/5131 Doing some more testing today.
  10. I did see a bit of this on my previous design using dual KG1000-G units and a Sinclair duplexer. The spray coming out of the Wouxun KG1000-G was so bad that unless I further filtered the Rx side by another 40dB, when keying up the Tx side it would break squelch on the Rx side and get stuck in a loop. Unless I turned the Tx power down to 5W.
  11. Repeater is BCR-40U and came with duplexer tuned by them for my freq. Antenna is commscope DB408-B Feedline is 25' of LMR400 Antenna is 25' AGL at elevation of 1168'
  12. I test on the phone with a listener miles away. Its a full duplex repeater. most of the time the audio gets through fine, but sometimes not. when testing yesterday, I was at the edge of coverage area but since the tail was being received by my mobile unit, figured I was being received.
  13. I've had my new repeater hardware place for about a week and have been doing some testing around town. I notice that sometimes when I key up on my mobile and talk that the audio does not come through. But the repeater did receive the signal as I received back the tail after I unkey. What do you think causes that? Would think the repeater does decode my CTCSS tone since it does Tx after mobile tx is over.
  14. I ordered a BCR-40U at end of December and received it on Feb 8th. I've been very happy with it as a GMRS repeater. I did buy the programming cable and software with it and its fairly straight forward. I order the 450-470Mhz instead of the 450-520Mhz version. Just in case I want to use it as a HAM UHF repeater or base one day. Regarding customer service. They seem to run strictly on a ticketing based system. with about 2 day response. I've tried calling to talk to tech support and can never get through. But during pre-sales I was able to talk to a sales guy. Dont remember his name. He was reasonably knowledgeable but did have to get some answers from some else for some of my questions.
  15. yeah, ran some cals on that and seems to be ok in the areas I'm worried about. But that is a concern.
  16. it is for a repeater site. My location is good. nice and high, just would like to get a bit more distance by directing energy in more appropriate places. I do alot of work in Multi-gigahertz wireless data systems and radiation pattern is everything. But somewhat new to UHF.
  17. Anyone have experience with the Commscope Dipole antennas? I'm looking at upgrading my Tram 1486 to the Commscope DB408-B. One thing I like about the Dipole is the vertical beam width is 14degrees (HPBW). This is closer to 30 degrees in an Omni antenna (although the Tram does not specify, so judging from a Laird antenna spec with similar gain). So more signal in more useful places and not so much shooting into the sky (cloud warming as they call it). Any thoughts?
  18. I have one of those. Works great. Just make sure your tones (CTCSS/DCS) are set for the repeater you are trying to hit.
  19. Maybe a simplex repeater. But with the units that close together, seems like it would get stuck in transmit loop.
  20. Here is an amp I looked at recently. If the HT has 3-5W, seems like it would work. And the output power can be set to 30-80W in 4 steps. So may be a good way to keep the HT that is familiar and just add the amp like you suggested. https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/tek-pa-80u
  21. I was thinking how I would join a GMRS network with my KG1000G based repeater. The signals that go between the two KG1000G have all the signals (I believe) to create a network interface. Today Rx Radio -------------------------------------Tx Radio Mod Rx Radio--------------------Network Tap---------------------Tx Radio | | Repeater link(Pi) https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeaters-and-accessories/products/repeater-linking-bundle?variant=31428894785571 I would have to design the Network Tap. Would be a box with 3 RJ45 type connectors (what the radios use) and a bit of circuitry. Thoughts?
  22. Mbrun, Did you ever confirm this pinout? I'm think that a circuit board could be designed to connect to both the Tx and Rx and a Pi to allow the KG1000G based repeater to connect to a network. Would have to work out the details.
  23. I just programmed my yesterday. Just used their programming software and a USB-radio cable I had from other radios and it seemed to work just fine. Found it here https://www.radioddity.com/pages/radioddity-download
  24. If you want to improve your cell phone signal, https://www.surecallsignalbooster.com/ . Using a Yagi directional antenna outside and putting the repeater inside is the key. You will need to know about what direction to point the closest cell tower is located.
  25. How will you feed the coax into the center at the bottom without drilling a hole in the side of the mast? Assuming this goes into the ground a bit for stability, the coax would need to be direct burial if its in the ground.
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