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wqae694 last won the day on March 28 2015

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  1. This is correct. And could be the case. But as with most of the "private" repeaters in our area, they are running the traveler's tone (141.3). Which is baffling to me. If they want it to be private, why use a tone which has been acknowledged as a public tone? Anyways...
  2. I can from just outside Mt Airy in the mobile. Or at least I used to. Haven't tried in a while.
  3. I own the Ellicott City and Towson repeaters and I also know of quite a few repeaters in the DC area that are not publicly listed. This will probably arouse some disbelief by some here, but there is actually a repeater on almost every single pair surrounding the DC area. Some of which have pretty significant coverage. Unfortunately, they don't have an IDer (illegal btw), so we've never been able to reach the repeater owner (I suspect most of them are owned by same person). So, without getting direct permission from them, I would tread lightly. Most of them work on the traveler's tone 141.3.
  4. Hi folks, I am a member of Howard County REACT, just outside of Baltimore. Our team has been trying to get a repeater on the air for a couple years now with no success. The issues isn't so much funds or equipment, but more so finding a site owner that is willing to donate or give a reduced rate for a site. Not to mention, just trying to make contact with other site owners. There are several repeaters widely spread around us, but they don't reach into the county very well, hence the need for one in our county. I have run into a lot of people that have said they would like to see a repeater put up in our area, but it just seems we can't make the right connections to make it work. We've even approached the county considering the nature of what our REACT does and they were not interested (I'm paraphrasing here, but they said "they already have a ARES/RACES team, we don't need anther radio group" despite my best attempt to explain that the nature of GMRS is entirely different). Is there any advice you guys could give or if you perhaps even know some site owners in the area, could you send them my way? And yes, our REACT team is a 501 c-3 charitable organization. This matters as it would allow for a tax write off.
  5. I applied for a new call yesterday (as I let mine expire a few years ago) and there was NO FEE. I've heard this from several people on other forums. Not sure if it was a glitch that is now fixed, but I can confirm that it happened to me.
  6. Hi all! Myself and several others are trying to get a GMRS repeater installed in the Howard County, Maryland area. If anyone else is interested and/or has any kind of experience and would like to contribute to this project, please contact me directly. Thank you!
  7. Sorry about the long time between posts. PastorGary, I have not renewed yet, however, I do plan on obtaining a new licence before operating. I'm currently a licenced ham, so that's where I've been spending my time these last few years. Wildbill, let's get hooked up. I'll send you a private message. I already have a pair of 35 watt mobiles that can used. Any experience you have in building repeaters would be much appreciated!
  8. Hey guys, I'm looking to put up a GMRS repeater in the Baltimore area. Specifically, Howard County somewhere around Columbia / Ellicott City. I just wanted to see how many people would be interested in using this proposed repeater. Thanks!
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