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fenriswolf039 last won the day on May 10 2016

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  1. https://smile.amazon.com/BF-888S-2pcs-Rechargeable-Headphone-Radio/dp/B00ECW9DB4/ref=smi_www_rco2_go_smi_4368549507?_encoding=UTF8&hvadid=198078954678&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011015&hvnetw=g&hvpone=&hvpos=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvrand=18163544324201545322&hvtargid=pla-379710510441&ie=UTF8&linkCode=df0&psc=1&tag=hyprod-20
  2. I'd go with the 7550e, as it has a numeric keypad. The radios are all pretty much push-to-talk once you have them programmed, and you can do it with software that makes it very simple. You can learn all the direct entry features as you go along. They all seem like very good radios, Motorola doesn't really make junk. It will last a very long time and take a beating. I will note that the 7580e is not a GMRS radio, so there's that.
  3. Keith, refer to your user guide and look at the chart on page 4. To do what you want with those radios, you need to set the correct tone in order for the repeater to "hear" you and relay your signal. Setting the tone on your radios is done by inputting the corresponding code from that chart. It looks like your repeater frequencies are already entered into the radio for you, and you should be able to select your tone from a menu. Check the repeater map and scroll it around. The repeater I linked to might be the closest one to you, though there are some a little further south near Tampa. That repeater would be on your channel 20R (462.675Mhz) and set the tone code to 22 (141.3Mhz) Hope that helps.
  4. Line of sight really is key here. My whole family have uv5r's and we can hit repeaters over 50 miles away, giving us over 100 mile effective area of communication here in North Georgia. If you haven't already, try putting Nagoya 701 antennae on your radios, they really make a difference.
  5. http://zero3nine.com/files/rimshot.gif
  6. http://zero3nine.com/files/rimshot.gif
  7. Those radios were the bee's knees when I was a kid! My cousin had a pair of them, and we used them in the flood control ditches around Southern California...
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