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    NYS Capital Region

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  1. When *I* was a boy, we had to smack together quartz crystals we dug up ourselves to send radio signals. And we could only receive by hanging a cable on a tree and holding it with our tongues! These damned kids, with their "electricity" and "antennas" are too lazy and stupid to be allowed to have radio!
  2. I was thinking about that too! Although, I think this would decrease power for all of the settings at once, not just low power, but I haven't dug into it...
  3. Hey all, I just ran across this Baofeng modification video. Brass tacks, just how bad an idea, from a technical standpoint, is the power mod in this video?
  4. Well that's sad and disappointing. I guess humor to make a point about too many threads on the same topic was too much? Someone tell Steve I apologize for upsetting his applecart...
  5. Obvious misunderstanding of the 'obvious trope' is obvious!
  6. Check out this screed. It might change your mind!
  7. Hey, my ignore list just grew to six, and now this thread is much less aggravating... I highly recommend it!
  8. I don't want you to say anything at all. I was simply trying to explain that your overaggressive attitude and unfounded insistence on being right in the face of logic and evidence presented to the contrary a) make you come off as a dick, and b) will never convince anyone of anything. But hey, by all means, if you want to just be blocked by half the people who read your posts, keep it up!
  9. Yes, as previously noted, you do seem to have extreme reading comprehension issues. Not to mention that there's no "form or tying" involved at all... I'm not sure how much clearer I can be than "Maybe take the attitude down three or four notches? You don't persuade people by yelling at them, especially when all you have to contradict their well supported arguments is sarcasm and 'you're wrong!'...", but I'll do my best. How about this: Stop trying so hard to be a dick, and maybe people will take you more seriously.
  10. I'm pretty sure we all get the picture, but it's a picture of someone who really needs to be an expert on stuff that other people have clearly demonstrated they have more expertise with. Maybe take the attitude down three or four notches? You don't persuade people by yelling at them, especially when all you have to contradict their well supported arguments is sarcasm and "you're wrong!"...
  11. Technically correct is the best *kind* of correct, of course, but lawyers make technical distinctions without a difference into new case-law every day....
  12. Are you new here? That's kinda what we do...
  13. I've never met this Roger Beep, but he sure does get people talking!
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