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Everything posted by Muzic2Me

  1. I purchased an Astron SS-30 Switching PSU. It has served me well and i have 3 radios hooked to it. It has 25 Continous Amps. Of Course, You will only transmit on one radio at a time.
  2. I can't seem to find the exact linear angle for the Comet GP-6 Dual Band antenna? can anyone guide me to some literature on this one?
  3. Through experiments your assumption is correct. I cant connect with a 50 watt base station to a HT on the car with an external antenna over a mile away. Taking the technician exam tomm. So i am hoping the 2 meter band with of course another radio and Antenna may help with the distance issue.
  4. Thanks for all the valuable experience and knowledge. Question?.. On this larger Coax, one must convert at some point to more flexible to get it to the radio, correct?, or No? Thanks again for the input.
  5. Gman1971, Thanks for the informative info. I can see that I will need equipment to do these. Here are the specs on the sensitivity of the mobile at diff bands. Most are Rx of course. Im GMRS. 400.000-479.995MHz:0.25uV(13dB SINAD) 136.000-174.995MHz:0.25uV(13dB SINAD) 50.000-53.995MHz:0.25uV(13dB SINAD) 320.000-349.995MHz:0.25uV(13dB SINAD) 700.000-985.995MHz:-97.0dBm(13dB SINAD).
  6. I purchased 50' of RG-8/U. which showed a 50', not the worst db loss/ I was ready to just get an antenna up, so I am in a temporary holding pattern with that until I figure my final plan. Fong antenna UHF is 3.5db.
  7. I looked on Kenwoods site for the MT-71va and the show them for sale....hmmm...
  8. I was reading b/ they were having several issues is why they discontinued. They have an upgraded version?. Boss has one and loves it as well. They still have them listed on the kenwoods website
  9. Was not at all making jokes. I’m gathering real life knowledge through operators experience with the equipment. ?? I try to avoid past mistakes of rushing in and buying , only to learn it was not what I really wanted or does not perform as I thought.Money, unfortunately, does not grow very fast on my tree out back. ? In a nutshell, I know it comes down to my choice of rig. … “ do I want a tri-band antenna, do I want three specific antennas for each Band, do I want one radio that can Tx on several bands, or X amount of Transcievers?”….. It’s a great forum to hear everyones opinions on their experience.
  10. I don’t think they are discontinued.. I’ve seen them on line. Unless they are refurbished ones.
  11. Nice!!! Jealous!!!! I knew I should have added more outlets for PSUs.:).
  12. Thanks for sharing the info… I’ll have to look into all the radios mentioned to dial in for one. Thanks again
  13. HAM is what I’m looking into. I know this isn’t the site for it, but do know a lot of HAMs are on here to give opinions. Thanks for info.??
  14. Personal communication. Wondering if anyone had some input to what rig they might have that has good Rx sensitivity. I hear the Kenwood TM-V71A was a decent radio.
  15. How’s that switching power supply? Pretty quiet?
  16. I’m not to tech savvy.I’ve went through ciscos ccna, but no programming, so forth. That’s great you have the know how’s to build the stuff.
  17. I purchased mine a BTWR. It was here in 2 days.
  18. Thank you so much for the shared information. I have the wouxon KG1000g and did not know how well they perform in this set-up. Thanks again for the info. I will study and gather all information to make a sound decision.
  19. I was inquiring on if anyone has a quick spreadsheet on all parts required to get a repeater going for gmrs. Rough estimate on all equipment, parts required...I have also been reading that the KG-100g is repeater capable with another same type radio. Is anyone tried this and what were your results and range with it if so.
  20. I appreciate the knowledge and sharing of your experiences with the set up. I'm down the Rabbit trail now. I have searched endlessly for a mast or tower that is tall enough that I can do away with guys and tilt/pivot. Tough to find one that supports higher than 40' on a tilt base without guying. Might be my only option to guying. Shipping is getting costly, so I may have to drive and pick one up also. The joys!!! Thanks for sharing WRHS965
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