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Everything posted by Muzic2Me

  1. I look at towers daily. That will be on the bucket list. I’m surrounded by 60’ oaks. Love the privacy, but causes issues in this field of radio.?
  2. Thanks for the input also. I have 50’ of RG-8U for the house on a 5watt HT. I know there is a lot better coax, but it was going to take 3 months to get any, so I bought the coax mentioned temp. To just get the show on the road. So I’m sure I’m loosing a bunch on the coax for sure. I guess a SWR tester is next in my purchases.
  3. Sounds good, next experiment. It’s just money, right?:)
  4. I was thinking that if I had a more powerful mobile with an antenna in the car vs a HT in the car I would be able to receive and transmit a bit farther on both ends. Being that I would have a better antenna on a mobile unit. ?
  5. The verdict is in!!....With my 5-watt Wouxon on a DBJ-UHF Ed Fong antenna at 20' high, I got about 2 miles receiving on a Midland HT rubber duck. I could hear the Tx out from the 5 watt base, but could not transmit back clearly. I am in a wooded area also though. Definetly going to work well enough with a 50 watt base station to a good mobile with a better antenna.
  6. I am going to give it a test and see what some HTs will do. At least on the transmit from the house. Height is what I am looking into and the price.lol. Looking forward to getting a base station with a little more power.
  7. I'll read into it. For the price starting out, it was not a bad deal for sure. I am going to test a bit and see what I got. Thanks
  8. Thanks. I have purchased some Midland GXT1000VP4's to use on the other end for cheap testing. I also purchased the wouxon KG-935G. I have heard nothing but good about the Ed Fong antennas. I am still awaiting a permanent base unit, so the HT will have to work for now. I amgoing to try to at least see how far I can receive from the base antenna. I do not expect it to be far but will let you know. Thanks.
  9. great formula, I'll have to remember that. thanks. What about a mobile with more wattage? Formula for that?
  10. No. Ed-Fong antenna. Not needed
  11. Put up a temporary antenna to test the waters on seeing how the 5watt HT might hear out. Pretty sturdy, but not permanent.Wanted to get an idea for when I install my permanent mast. Waiting on my mobile with a little more wattage. I’m in the coverage of a local repeater 20 miles away and was hoping to catch some traffic. Any ideas on range. 20’ high antenna height.
  12. I’m using a HT KG-935g. I have not tried another radio to Communicate through it yet., but need to. Its located in Arkansas. I could not hear an ID or tail. I’m new to the game and thought I was understanding, but could not even hear activity on it. Thanks for the tid-bits and will try with 2 radios.
  13. Just curious to why I can't seem to access a repeater in Vilonia. I actually drove to the repeater location and verified correct tones and never got a sound.
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