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alexd51 last won the day on February 20 2022

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About alexd51

  • Birthday 04/05/1968

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  1. I have different announcements already. and on the tones part i can add the ct1 to ct8 but if i add ct9 or any other it will be silent because those tones were taken out of the image file. But using one i can copy and paste on the other one. I have 4 nodes running right now but this one has been the most difficult one to set up.
  2. Now that explains a lot. These are a great help. Thank you.
  3. after a while i just gave up. Started trying again and of course all the files are write protected. Now i know home to set up the node one way but like i said all files are write protect so using WIN scp is completely useless. I will have to use sudo commands now. so lets see how i can get it to work lol
  4. I guess those are included in the mygmrs .IMG file. i looked in other image files but those are not in it. Thank you for all this information, you have given me a lot of info i didn't know.
  5. I just installed the image file and ran the setup and its working as i can link it to a node. My problem is i don't get no sound either in or out. I have a raspberry Pi 3B+ Motorola CDM 750 RIM Maxtrack. I had this radio connected with another network and i remember doing some changes on the radio letting the software know what pins to use. I am guessing i have to do the same with this network but i have spent the whole weekend looking for information on how to do that any help will be appreciated.
  6. i also own a VXR 7000 didn't even cross my mind doing this.
  7. thank you @reevesr19 i was just thinking about asking this myself. I have a digital recorder and i will try this , hopefully it doesn't cut the start of a conversation because to save batteries it will go to sleep until it hears something.
  8. I have bought 2 radios and a repeater from them and i cant say nothing bad about them they have gone above and beyond in my case even when the mistake was my fault. As mentioned above, there's no need to program any other frequency on a repeater except what you will be using for the repeater. In my case my repeater also can be switched to act like a base radio so i did program a few repeaters in my area so i switch to base and i can transmit to those repeaters and when im done switch back to repeater mode. Being a MOTOROLA getting the software for yourself is a bit costly and to be honest Motorola software is not easy for a novice there's so many ways you can screw up your repeater. Ask them if they can send you the codeplug of the radio once they program it that way you have a virgin codeplug in case anything goes wrong with the repeater.
  9. I know old thread but i am still learning and the more i research the more outdated links i find. I will like to know more on what you did . You can DM me in case is a big NO,NO
  10. Do you have to connect too a HUB only? or are you able to connect to another NODE? new to this system and it's a bit confusing.
  11. I know it's been a while since you posted this. There is still no net in central FL that i know of at least not in GMRS. But on good news there's a bunch of new repeaters that have gone online since you made this comment. I am actually the owner of one of those repeaters and a node connected to the mygmrs network. If you are interested why don't you get a node deployed in your home? All you need is a radio with a sound card, an antenna and cable, a raspberry Pi and internet access and you have a node in your house connected to the network that you can move around to other nodes to participate in any net's.
  12. Muchos hablamos español pero no en el forum ?
  13. I thought i had a OK knowledge with Linux but seems i was wrong. Is there any cheat sheets with specific commands for the mygmrs software? I know it's based on asterix but i don't know what commands are available in this modification of it . I don't want to do something and end up on the ham portion of asterix because i broke it with a command i wasn't supposed to send. On a second note, i have the node online at least it shows on the map but when i try to make a connection or any other command to the node there's is no connection ? Using the node connected to a Motorola CDM750 with a RIM maxtrak that used to work before with gmrslive. How do i enter the setup if there's one or any GUI? I'm sure my problems are telling my node what pins to use on the radio for what it needs ? only going by that because of what i did with gmrslive.
  14. If you start the software in manufacturer mode it doesn't matter what version you have it will let you do whatever you want with your repeater.
  15. Frequency programing and duplexer tuning was part of the sale. But never owning a repeater before i sent them the frequency like you program a radio and they programed it exactly like that and tuned the duplexer. When i figured out i had made a mistake and called them the package had been already picked up by FedEx . He apologized for not noticing the mistake and sent me another duplexer tuned to the right frequencies with a return label for the duplexer that was already in the repeater. It left the store 2 hrs after i talked to him. All i had to do was re program the repeater. Finding the DOS version of the software was easy now finding the windows version was a nightmare lol Do you know about Dealer Mode and Manufacturer Mode with CE27?
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