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Everything posted by PRadio

  1. Yep, that's why Midland is a good choice. Glad we agree.
  2. I don't own one, but am considering one since they have models that have a remote mount option. I don't really have the space in my car to mount a conventional unit, so a remote mount would be nice. Currently my radio is sitting free between my front seats, but cannot be actually be mounted there. It is less than ideal to say the least, but it "works."
  3. There is a forum for bicycle ham radio operators. You may get some info there. http://bmha-hams.org And here: https://groups.io/g/BicycleMobileHams I also saw this page. https://hackaday.com/2024/07/08/going-ham-mobile-on-a-bicycle/
  4. I just carry a handheld. I have never had an instance in which I could not simply pull it out and use it. Why overcomplicate things?
  5. A group on this forum? Join first, and discover what is already here. If not here, then where, and what kind of group, in person group, or forum? And if forum, wjhy not simply take part in what is already here, and other places?
  6. Inappropriate for the forum. You should probably give up while you're behind. Just a friendly piece of advice.
  7. Obviously. Probably due to the inappropriate style of sarcasm for this forum.
  8. Just exactly how much have you had to drink?
  9. It is under General Settings in the menu.
  10. It's no longer proposed. It has passed. It is just waiting for the governor's signature.
  11. The latest bill that has now passed, includes the following after a definition of "interactive wireless communications device" The bill can be read here: https://legiscan.com/PA/text/SB37/2023
  12. I have as well. He gives information without prejudice, and without being condescending, and does it in a fun way. HIs advice is practical and not elitist.
  13. Yep, Rickles was known to be a very nice guy. A friend of mine, another comic, used to hang out at a club in New York when she was little. Her dad was a musician and played in the city. She would go with him and got permission to watch the comics. One night the doorman told her she couldn't come in anymore, and he was a little harsh because someone was watching him, and he wasn't supposed to let her in. She went outside and cried. She told me an old man came bay to go into the club, and knelt down and asked her what was wrong. She told him and the man told her he would take care of it. The man talked to the doorman, and told him she was coming in with him, and he had the doorman promise to let her in to watch whenever she wanted. She had no idea who he was at that age, but it was Don Rickles. She is now a professional comic, and that moment was very special to her, and had a real influence on her career.
  14. Yup, I was able to see the Aurora in the Pittsburgh area last night. It was the best Aurora I have seen here. I'm an amateur astronomer and get space weather notifications so I have seen it many times here. I took these from my front step.
  15. No, people want to be able to talk into a mic, and no, we don't want it to pass.
  16. It's my understanding is that DPL is Motorola's name for DCS.
  17. Someone who would actually buy two radios that no one would buy at once, and who would test them head to head. His knowledge and his testing are top notch. He knows what he is doing.
  18. Hilarious, you obviously do not know anything about who you are talking to.
  19. Just so you know, an HOA, or even a municipality cannot regulate satellite dish antennas under one meter in diameter unless you are in Alaska where you can have any size antenna. This does not apply to other services though. There are safety related things that can be regulated, even then they cannot require prior approval. "A valid enforceable placement preference should not contain prohibited provisions such as prior approval or require professional installation. " Here is the FCC page with all the information. https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule
  20. According to page 26, number 51 should be 411.
  21. I take offense to that. I use a Surecom SW-102 and I'm not normal.
  22. It is much easier on the paint than what was originally on the base, and it can be easily removed and replaced when necessary. I have been using this for many years on different vehicles for various applications, and as I stated, the vinyl is attached to the base, not the paint of the car. Alternately you could apply the film to the roof of the vehicle, which is actually what it is designed for anyway. I have some attached to the paint of a motorcycle to prevent paint damage where something rubs against it. It comes off easily. The base originally had a very thing plastic/vinyl covering, not rubber, so this isn't really different, and with a 6 inch tall antenna, it isn't moving while driving. The only time it moves is when I try to remove it.
  23. I used 3M clear paint surface protection vinyl film. I applied it to the base of the magnet mount, trimmed around most of the base, leaving a wide section about an inch or so long one side, then folded the tail over to make it double thickness to be used as something to grab when removing the antenna. Also keep the paint under it well waxed. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004VG8DS0?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k0_1_7&amp=&crid=1ELGBGSQ87X09&amp=&sprefix=3m+clea And it looks like I need to remove and clean it and the car once the weather breaks.
  24. Management.
  25. Gee, come to Western Pennsylvania. In many places you will get a mile or less. Valley to the other side of the hill doesn't work too well, neither does parking lot through buildings and trees. Of course it's about antenna height. I would need an 80 foot or taller tower to get more than two miles. When I am on a high hilltop, about three miles away, I can talk to my wife in the house using a mobile to a handheld. I can barely hit a repeater about 7 miles away from my house using a handheld, but not well enough to talk. They have a hight tower on a hill though. I can walk with a handheld to a cemetery near my house, and lose the ability to talk to my wife on another handheld about a half mile away. I'm in a valley, it's all about terrain and antenna height, coupled with trees and buildings, in other words, what everyone has been saying.
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