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Everything posted by PRadio

  1. Some would see that as a feature.
  2. Good to know, thanks!
  3. The Wouxun may have a more sensitive receiver, but I cannot confirm that. I have the first generation of the BTECH, but if I were buying new today, I would go with the Wouxun. I bought the BTECH at a good price from someone here on the forum. It is well worth the price I paid, but the Wouxun wasn't on my radar at the time. Keep in mind the Wouxun has a detachable faceplate, giving it more installation options. Phil
  4. It never was about cost cutting, nor did the manufacturers cite that as a reason. Most want to remove it due to the problem with interference, Ford want to get rid of AM in electric and gas powered cars. I am sure part of the reason Ford wants to do that, is to standardize between the electric vehicles not having AM radio, and their gas powered counterparts, not as they claim, simply modernizing. https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4004678-say-goodbye-to-am-radio-why-carmakers-are-removing-it-from-new-models/
  5. In this case it is affects. You can affect a change, that will have an effect.
  6. I don't know, without the FCC I can see all sorts of issues related to interference of aviation communications, not a good thing. Interference with police communications, railroad, emergency medical communications, etc. They also oversee and regulate spurious emissions from electronic devices. Are you sure you want a free for all?
  7. Sorry, I don't agree. He simply made a joke about the thread title. His joke was funny, and not offensive. Your response however, was, in calling someone a DICK. I clicked on the thread expecting it to be about someone other people on the forum might know, perhaps asking if anyone had heard from Terry, or maybe if anyone thought a product or service someone named Terry offered was worthwhile, or maybe letting people know Terry had passed away. Nope, just a post asking a question about a radio. Good question, bad thread title, which I am sure was not intentional on your part. Thread titles are used so people know what the thread is about. Calling someone a DICK for making a joke about a thread title that doesn't come close to describing what the thread was about is an emotional knee-jerk reaction. Maybe take a second to breathe and rethink. ONce again, I believe your mis-named thread was not intentional, but it did nothing to tell anyone what your thread was about, hence the joke.
  8. Put a dab of grease on them and all will be well.
  9. P as in psychology. K as in knife. G as in gnome.
  10. Do you make your own radios?
  11. He wasn't suggesting trying with no antenna, but rather and external antenna, one mounted outside the vehicle, on the roof or elsewhere, replacing the radio mounted rubber ducky antenna.
  12. Not gonna lie, it would be interesting to see the results. I too believe they would be insignificant in a real world situation, but it would be interesting to see what the meter says, coupled with a subjective review of actual voice reception.
  13. More expensive, but a good radio, I have two of them, and have used them for seven years so far. https://powerwerx.com/tera-tr505-gmrs-recreational-handheld-radio
  14. In fairness, I think the second statment regarding power is a bad translation of " An amateur station must use the minimum transmitter power necessary to carry out the desired communications." The fire... well... ??
  15. I was getting on to say the same thing. It says so right in the user's manual. I have the same meter. surecom_sw_102_users_manual.pdf
  16. Now you've done it! lol I have the Tera GMRS/MURS that was sold that way a few years ago. I have tested them between MURS and GMRS and generally have the programed for GMRS. I did have one channel set up for MURS for testing purposed, though technically it isn't proper. I may set them up for MURS for those times my wife is using one. She isn't good about identifying while using GMRS, and with MURS it isn't an issue. I found little difference in range between the two services with these radios, in my type of usage.
  17. They may be using a "privacy" tone so they won't hear anyone not transmitting with that tone.
  18. I spend a lot of my time on ships due to my work. Once when I took my wife, we took Midland GTX100 radios. They worked very well. At one point I was on deck 9 aft, lying int he sun, and my wife went to deck 1 midship to guest services. I was able to talk to her while she was there. Yes, there is a lot of steel, but you would be surprised. Just don't expect them to work everywhere. They are useful on deck. In port, remember that you are not in the US, and the laws governing the island may not allow the use of the radios. Phil
  19. Thankfully I missed the ad. No ad played for me before his video. When I do see an ad, I simply skip watching the video.
  20. I blame you. It should arrive today. ?
  21. The SURECOM needs to be connected to a 50 ohm dummy load to test RF Watt output.
  22. Thanks Marc. Glad to see you back here. Hope all is well.
  23. Hi Marc, how is the receive sensitivity for the mxt500? Does it seem to be better than the BTEC you sold me? Thanks - Phil
  24. I use a stubby antenna on occasion, when we don't need a long range, and want something more compact. I bought mine from Powerwerx.com, but I don't see them listed on their site right now. They are made for GMRS. There are some for GMRS on Amazon if you look there. They are SMA.
  25. You may want to find a reverse drill bit, instead of using a normal one. Often, especially in a low torque fastener like this, once you begin drilling the screw out, using the reverse drill bit, the screw will back out, without the need of an easy out.
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