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WRUE951 last won the day on December 12

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About WRUE951

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  1. Ho Ho HO,,, I hope Santa brought you enough radio stuff to keep you busy for the next year.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  2. MyGMRS is not an official GMRS Repeater management tool.. It's basically an App you use at your free will.. There is no official management system for GMRS repeaters. It's your responsibility to set up your GMRS repeater without interfering with other users.. If you are one of those unlucky person trying to set up a repeater in an area like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Penn, where a single licensed GMRS user has decided to install dozens of repeaters and you can't find an open channel, well guess what, you are allowed to select whatever GMRS channel you desire and set your repeater use on it.. It's just up to you to make sure you don't interfere.. As long as you are not interfering, the other repeaters have no right to tell you to move or cease your operation.. Tell them to pound sand.. Just be nice.. Have Fun
  3. I've got it now.. the VM is really no different than running a Sandbox which i do. The only problem with the Sandbox, you have to reload it every time you shut it down. It sounds like the VM is the same but since you can set up several you leave them running and toggle as needed.. The Sandbox works for me as i don't venture to HTML sites that would put me in danger... When i was doing the AutoCad KeyGen thing i did run all that in the Sandbox along with my browser for VirusTotal.. Before i executed the KeyGen, VirusTotal lit up like a Christmas Tree and interestingly the KeyGen came from a trusted source.. I also run any open source software through the sandbox and check it before i actually install on my machine.. I had originally thought Sandbox was not available with Windows 10 but learned different last night, it is available under Windows 10 Professional. The VM is interesting and i'll end up playing with it.. Thanks for the info.
  4. i'm just trying to wrap my hands around how a VM would benefit most everyday home computer users. If just for testing/expermiting with software, Windows 11 and IOS have sandboxes for that purpose.. I can see for business pourpose on a larger scale how VM and VN is a huge benefit. I run both Windows 11 and Linux on my Windows box through a separate boot. Can you actually run both without rebooting with a VM? Now that would be cool if you could, that might get my fancy.
  5. Unless im missing something, a VM or Vertical Network is not particle for a single user. We had to use a VN at work where everything was cloud based.. Nothing was installed as a separate operation on our desktops. Everything ran off the VN.. And it worked pretty well too. It was funny how everyone had their own personal laptops setting next to their desktops so they could run their favorite programs on the side.. Of course those lap tops could not be connected to the network but they did set up separate WiFI for Internet access.
  6. a topic in Gigaparts forum suggested using virustotal because of the false triggers and apparently it works. Awhile back I got stupid and decided to try running a KeyGen for latest Autocad.. I almost executed the download but then decided to try running the download through VirusTotal, it lit up.. yea I did end up subscribing to Autocad 360 Ouch!!
  7. that test was ran from the downloaded file from the CHIRP website.. Apple and Windows 11 will place your download files in a 'Sandbox' which is a safe place for downloaded files.. from your download directory you would run your download through something like VirusTotal before executing your download.
  8. Never had any issues with CHIRP out of the dozens of radios i've programed.. In fact, personally i prefer CHIRP over RT Systems
  9. I run all my download installs through VirusTotal.com and just ran the recent CHIRP download and it is safe..
  10. Good Find..
  11. I log all my antenna test so i had a reference to look at when i got the Hustler rebuilt with the Hot Water pipe.. Yes the SWR did go up sligthly after the rebuild. Now, i don't know if that was due to the different radome material or stress to the internal antenna from the bird strike which is possible. Looking back i wish i would have done a SWR test on the antenna without the radome for that reference.. I've always heard that different radome materials changes the velocity factor.. I think this would be worth researching,, It would be nice to see actual data measurments showing these results.. If i find anything, i'll repost here.. As far as PVC vs white and gray holding up under UV. White PVC will self destruct pretty fast under UV exposure. I've seen that happen. Gray PVC will hold up but it will discolor. I know this from a short section where the Fiber Internet installer placed on my outside wall two years ago. There is a section where the sun beets down and you can defiantly see the discoloration but it's not brittle, it's holding strong.. I think over time, any material will evently destruct from EV rays..
  12. i wouldn't let that jack ass get to you.. Everyone with a right mind knows the man, or whatever he wants to refer to himself as, is a self-righteous idiot..
  13. I appreciate the offer but we already have that mounted 50' up.. I found some fiberglass tubes on ebay they are real antenna raydome tubes but seller required a large qty purchase.. Also found some on a google search with the same deal. Large qty.. Curious where you are finding it?
  14. My Hustler used ground radials where the Laird does not. I'm far from being an antenna expert but I'm thinking this may be the difference.. BTW, i actually have the 7DB version of the Laird. I just know the stations further out are a no go where the Hustler had no problems.. I think the lobes are a bit sharper and work at a different elevations with the Laird vs. Hustler.. Ed Fong's Antenna uses schedule 20 PVC pipe, (thin wall) and you can't find this stuff anywhere, hardware stores no longer sell it. The Hot water plastic pipe i used is actually thinner and stronger than sch. 20 PVC. I believe Steve Shannon found the material used in this pipe (above).. It will be interesting to see how this material will hold up in the outside environment - time will tell. A bird smacked into the Hustler antenna and the material was so weathered (see pic) the antenna just buckled at the impact.. The antenna was only two years old, i cant imagine the weather getting to it so quickly, maybe just a bad batch of resin????.. At first, i didn't know what caused the antenna to buckle but then found several large black bird feathers nearby that could only come from these large black ravens that fly around here. There would have been no way of salvaging the old radome without shorting by several inches and now as an afterthought, I probably could have made an extension on the 3D Printer.. Too late now, i have already hacked up the old radom.
  15. the SWR did go up about .5-.8 to 1:35-2:2 across the entire GMRS Band.. You are right about the UV issues with the white PVC pipe.. Not sure if the hot water pipe is PVC though. PVC glue did stick, but not like it does with normal PVC pipe.. The Hot Water pipe is blue in the inside and white on the outside, i'm not sure what material it is, but it is very thin.. I also painted to help with the UV.. BTW, I did call Hustler telling them i removed the old radome and asking if i could purchase a replacement from them.. She just chuckled and said their antennas are not serviceable.. My brother is using the antenna for his base GMRS radio and its working great.. We'll see how long that hot water pipe last, we defiantly get the hot summers to beat it up..
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