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WRUE951 last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. WRUE951

    New to the hobby

    I use Ch 24 where the Big Boys hang out
  2. are you pulling your Kia out of the garage before you try taking?
  3. Yup,, I'm with you on that too. .. I have also learned that GMRS is a great stepping stone with many many taking the leap to Ham.
  4. Actually your are wrong.. Both are good antennas for their purpose.. Both are 1/2 wave antennas and require no ground plane. If you have a situation like an RV, Boat an Apartment building or application where you need to keep your antenna 'under cover' I guarantee you cant beat the J-Pole. I use a Copper J-Pole for my RV while camping and won't use anything else for that propose.. Yes,,,like anything, you can build a crappy J-Pole.. Getting them right is tricky but do it right, you have a decent good performing antenna
  5. I have two homemade versions of the J-Pole, the copper, the twin lead J-Pole.. Both work as a pretty decent GMRS antenna, especially considering the cheap cost building them.. I use the copper j-pole for my portable camping antenna because it's light, compact, easy to store, easy to set up and it offers pretty decent performance.. I can talk 75-80 miles with no problems with the copper J-Pole, it's very omnidirectional. It works ok in flat valleys but likes to be elevated to get best coverage (i.e. high elevations like up in Mammoth area)... Mine is built on the KB9VBR's design with a few medications which i posted on this forum.. The twin lead is also a good choice but i've had better luck with the copper version. The Twin Lead is a little more complex to build. . Neither antenna will out perform a good medium gain base antenna but will come close.. Bottom line, for the cost to build one, (about $20 bucks for a copper J-pole) you can't go wrong...
  6. You know. Today theirs is over a thousand linked repeaters. Although not legal, I don’t think anyone cares. - obvisouly.
  7. Ahhh, but you're still holding a secret on us
  8. i would have been with your friend, rolling that Blazer. had to be fun..... You can't be 'that' boring,, i'll still bet you have a Baufang dialed into GMRS or another Ham type radio dialed in... Common, you can't hold a secret.
  9. awhile back i saw a video on another forum where a Ham Radio Operator took a moded (GMRS) Yeasu and a GMRS Wouxun KG1000 and benched tested both radios. The Yeasu (as expected) putt out a lot less Harmonics, much cleaner and kept its power specs when keyed for a long period.. I can tell you, every single Ham guy i know has their Kenwood, Icom or Yeasu dialed in to GMRS at a flip of the dial. Honestly, i don't know any Ham operators that aren't set up in this fashion.. A bit funny but i'll bet a lunch many here whom complain as it being illegal has a Baufang stashed somewhere dialed in for GMRS.. I mean really, how many of you went to the prom without sneaking a beer.. If you said 'Not me" you're boring as hell.
  10. i totally 'get' what he is saying... Midland dollars can buy you a lot of radio..
  11. 10-11-87, we have a 10-88 in progress, over.
  12. you should read the rules my friend. § 95.1751 GMRS station identification. Each GMRS station must be identified by transmission of its FCC-assigned call sign at the end of transmissions and at periodic intervals during transmissions except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. A unit number may be included after the call sign in the identification. (a) The GMRS station call sign must be transmitted: (1) Following a single transmission or a series of transmissions; and, (2) After 15 minutes and at least once every 15 minutes thereafter during a series of transmissions lasting more than 15 minutes. (b) The call sign must be transmitted using voice in the English language or international Morse code telegraphy using an audible tone. (c) Any GMRS repeater station is not required to transmit station identification if: (1) It retransmits only communications from GMRS stations operating under authority of the individual license under which it operates; and, (2) The GMRS stations whose communications are retransmitted are properly identified in accordance with this section.
  13. any channel will suffice for an emergency Ch.. For example, i was traveling north on 395 last week... This lady came on Ch 18 where i was monitoring and hollered out, "is anyone out there, i need help" I replied, yea,, what's up.. She yelled back, i just passed Sand Canyon Road going north and i need to know where the next gas station is,, i said, are you running out of gas, she said no, i'm about ready to $hit my pants Now this is a true story,, i told her about a mile up you'll find a place called Pearsons.. I guess that suffices for an emergency.. She must of made it, i didn't hear her again.
  14. https://reeve.com/Documents/Articles Papers/Reeve_AntennaSystemGroundingRequirements.pdf https://thenecwiki.com/2021/02/article-810/
  15. Yea, go for it. I know someone that placed their Twin lead j-pole hanging in a tree without the pvc cover..
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