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Everything posted by WRUE951

  1. I agree the a U.S. Map reflecting the repeater sites with appropriate data would be a great tool but this site does not have that as of yet.. Maybe they are working on it?
  2. you have close to 150 GMRS Repeaters in the state of Texas.. You can narrow down what is near you using the Query Tools on this web site..
  3. you nailed it....
  4. Just saying, many of the repeaters you listed consist of two radios bundled into one package and at over twice the cost of building a repeater from basically same parts. As said the Bridegroom Repeaters are two Maxons 8200A's. Motorola and Kenwood do the same using their line of radios.. As far as programing goes, it is still needed regardless if you package them together in one box or use them as two radios. One box repeaters are nice for simplicity but you pay the premium for that benefit. I almost bought a Bridgecom repeater then after research i learned what radios they used and went with the Maxons. My Maxon investment was about $800 which saved a a gloruius $,1000 bucks over the one box Bridgcomm.. I like saving money. ?
  5. You left out the Wouxon KG-1000 and better yet the Maxon TM8000 series radios, which is basically the Bridgecomm repeater for half the cost.
  6. I have a friend living in a retirement community. He took a 70CM base antenna, stashed it inside the top of his fiberglass flag mast and burried the coax about 10’ to his garage. He has been running his repeater for over a year and works great.
  7. i found it interesting yesterday when i was in a conversation with someone and the conversation was somewhat political about the recent classified document scandals. A person whom i know to be a Ham suddenly pings in and tells us the radio waves is not the place to discuss politics.. Well,, I guess this Ham forgot about freedom of speech and the fact that there are basically no GMRS equitecy rules you commonly find on Ham bands,. We didn't budge and continued on with conversation only to listen to an idiot trying to 'Jam' the repeater.. Hmmmm,, I wonder if this malicious 'jammer' was the Hammer. Pretty sure it was - LMAO
  8. Wouldn’t it be cool, to view all the GMRS repeaters on Google Earth by State that also included much of the info such as Call Signs, frequency, squelch tones, repeater type etc…..
  9. I hear garbage all the time, amazing how one or two clicks on the channel and the problems are gone.
  10. Thats flat out BS... Was the guys first name 'Joe' by any chance?
  11. i have no problems hitting repeaters 20 miles line of sight with HT's. I've hit my repeater from Whitney Portals with my mobile and that was about a 55 mile line of sight shot. Like OffRoader says, obstructions will pretty much void out line-of-sight communications, which UHF relies on..
  12. FYI If you look at the Maxon DMR UHF repeater you find they advertise it as a 100% duty cycle.. Their DMR repeater is two Maxon's 8402A radios.. Additionally, the Maxon 8402A is a wide/narrow band radio.. The Bridgecom repeaters also use the Maxon 8402 Radios, they too also spec their repeater as 100% duty cycle. I currently use the Wouxuns KG-1000 radios and i can attest, these radios get extremely hot after 15 minutes of continuous use.. I have a friend who has t Maxon repeater and, i use it all the time and perforce is much better than the Wouuxun repeater... His radios get warm on continuous use but not HOT.. Just giving real world experience...
  13. i have the KG-1000's set up for a repeater and pretty happy with their performance, I'm making contacts with mobile's 60 miles out.. I'm, setting on a hillside about 500' overlooking the Indian Wells Valley using a Tram 1182 on 30' mast. I also cleaned up my mobile Duplexer with my Nano, the factory tune wasn't very good. i am concerned about the duty cycle on these KG-1000G radios, they get very hot after about 15 mins of continuous use. I plan to use these as mobile's so I actually have two Maxon 8402A radios on order, they create a repeater much like the KG-1000 but better because they are commercial radios and have a 100% duty cycle. They are also a little cheaper then the KG-1000 radios. If you decide to go with the Maxon's be prepared to wait about 60 days, they are on back order. I'm also using EchoStaton with a RIGblasger for my ID Controller. IMO, this is the best way to go for creating an I'D controller on your repeater. I have mine set up for Voice I.D. with a time and temp stamp. EchoStation has a lot of flexibility and the software is very cheap, only $19 bucks. RIGblaster ties it into the radios via the Mic ports. Very easy to set up.
  14. Amazon has the easier return policy, BuyTwoWayRadios has top notch service and good deals... Ebay is getting better and now offers free sniping on most things you buy there.. If you need some sort of tech support on your radio gear, i would stick with Buytwowayradios.. Their support is awesome..
  15. in today's scam society, not sure it's a good idea anyway.. One google search of your license plate call sign can reveal most everything about you, i.e. your name, where you live, your phone number etc.. That information in itself is enough for the basic scammer or even a road rager to begin his dirty work.. No Thanks....
  16. I heard that Wouxun was coming up with a way to tap into a COR port for a controller input on their KG1000G transceiver. Has anyone heard any progress on this yet?
  17. If you were Trump, then they would track you down and get you but otherwise, they ain’t gonna waste their time
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