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WQOK964 last won the day on April 5 2016

WQOK964 had the most liked content!

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    People's Republic of New York

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  1. Do you have a smartphone? If so download the app and set up the account that way.
  2. How are you trying to use zello? Computer or phone?
  3. You bought it for GMRS, why do you need it to transmit outside of that?
  4. We have a MSF at the site that is going to be reprogrammed and re-tuned, for the Orange and Ulster React group.
  5. I love my Sabers! The Astro needs to go out for a tuning though.
  6. I have an Astro saber and XTS3000 with modat lol Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  7. Lol, not sure if you folks ever heard of MODAT, it's Motorola's first form of ANI, that makes for some cranky hams too! Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  8. I live close to NYC, about 60 miles north. At work if I go up to the roof, I can hear almost every high profile repeater in NYC. Also with being so close we occasionally get one of the main jammers on out ham repeaters located on Mount Beacon, which has a clear shot to NYC. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  9. Yes it sucks that most repeaters or private or require access. But its their time and money that went into putting the repeater up, so they ultimately make the rules. The mismatching of PL or DPL tones is done usually to slow down unauthorized users. If you ever visit NYC, you will see why its done that way. Some onwers only request permission, so this way they have an idea who is using it, and can keep track of how many users use the machine.
  10. There are some kenwood models that will do MDC, depending on firmware, or option board. I find that on most GMRS systems MDC is not a problem, but transmit an MDC on a ham repeater and you'll find out who hates the commercial stuff real quick!
  11. So I'm sure many of us use Motorola radios. How many of you are using MDC? How are you determining what to use as an ID? Well I like to use it when possible, and I like to use the last 3 numbers of my call sign as the ID number.
  12. It's been talked about. We currently have an MSF5000 sitting up at the site not being used. Just need to come up with an antenna and band pass filter. The site is a RF nightmare!
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