I realize this is an old post, but you have got to be kidding! Right now GMRS channels are underutilized in rural areas and it's akin to Motorola forcing small rural departments to go P-25 through various sales tactics vis-a-vis FCC lobbied rule changes. LUCKILLY, we have 20 KHz wideband on GMRS and that allows the use of cheap, obsolete radios that had to be dumped by small rural departments and business because of forced "narrow banding" (another Motorola FCC lobbied sales tactic). It's nice you can afford a $500 used XPR DMR radio, not all of us can. Frankly I don't want DMR on GMRS, I am happy with my $75 Maxtrac and loud, clear 20 KHz analog audio. If you want unlimited channels get a Network Radio and load Zello, 4G is a LOT clearer than DMR. Quite frankly DMR and P-25 sounds like $#!+.
"Being from California, - we love sharing our great ideas with otehr states. But this will be different!"
Californias sharing their "great ideas" does not go over well in most states including South Dakota where I live. I don't like hearing bubble pack kids on playing GMRS outputs and I certainly don't want to hear digital signals. If you want to use DMR get a ham license and get on DMR MARC! Perhaps you can put forward a "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" to the FCC and include the phrase "this is how we do it in California".
Not trying to be abrasive, just exercising my 1A opines.