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  1. indoors transmitting on my HT raised the readings on my Co detector I had placed mid height in living room. after a day or two of casual transmitting on GMRS this raised the level to the point the detector went off. I have since moved the detector lower and seems to have solved this. it took a couple of times before I figured out what was going on and all the while were were checking pellet stove for leaks. lol good times with RF
  2. lol ya can take you down a road to $1k dol hairs. sorry that comment made me laff. it definately has soo many more uses.
  3. 50 ft. tower with comet 20 above that, nicely tuned. has managed to make whatever i hook to it do great. mobile I run a tyt 9800 hooked to a 9800 tri band antenna, works ok (yes i am spoiled at my base). other wise boofangs it is in the woods.
  4. I know not what you are talking about. lol. thank you for what you do and keep it coming. there is much noise in this world and I think even in humor you bring some clarity. maybe its just me. IDK
  5. I too would be interested in the answer to this. Currently own one of 1.5 years. jail break was easy software mod. honestly do not know what would be in it for the manufacturer to block this but??
  6. dugcyn

    QRM on Olycom 3

    both brand 771s seam to work well with my HT'S but yelm is a pretty far trip for them. dont know if you are willing or able to make it semi moble setup but a fairly inexpensive gmrs car-truck antenna or base antenna up high may get you many more fars. I have reached 22 miles simplex with my HT on 50 ft mast antenna. I know that is extreme but does show the difference. welcome to GMRS hope to catch you sometime on tiger rptr. Doug
  7. you also make me wonder if I should go to a simple dual band antenna setup as this is main set up for parking rv in tight spots or oh chit i need coms in the woods. would i be better to have all bands or ones i could tx com on? thanx for the thought.
  8. how did you know i was running quad band antenna?. may have nailed this question but really does an antenna soak power? the antenna seams to work well but am not licensed to work them all so do not know tx? still wonder why power would read low on meter. thanks so much for the input.
  9. thanx trying to keep brand out antenna in truck is quad band and antenna at shop is ??? looks has 5 spikes 2 near vertical. I do have a comet 70' and last tested this radeo put out 46 watts. have not gone back there yet, was new when i got that result. the ??? antenna works perfect with other radios 70cm and 2m. reads 1.03 swr. fwy my truck antenna is at 1.9 swr. not sure of wire to truck radio but base is setup with lmr400 and done correctly. could i be loosing that much in cabling or antenna. what is this telling me. no worries am talking on radio just fine but trying to learn how to make this a lean system. thanks all
  10. Most likely a stupid question but hey I am just a machinist in trade. I have a radio in truck that in testing with a sure com puts out at high power setting 10 watts. it is rated 50 watts. when I hook this same radio to base antenna sure com reads 17 watts. what say you. any input would be appreciated, i love learning new things. Radio is not my end game but a tool and would love to learn how to use it best. fyi same radio, very similar input power supply, same frequency (gmrs).
  11. Dont know if this has been covered but thought I would share. I have several radios different brands etc. and was having issue programming with provided cables. one did not work with windows 10 or 11, one would not work with windows 11. so i had a win7 machine that i used for one brand a win10 for the other brand and 11. this got real messy with my data spread accross so many plat forms. I finally found a solution that works with baefang, retivis and tyt radios. it has cables for many more but cannot speak to them. hope this helps someone https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LD2HCZV?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  12. I like running from a battery, deep cycle or even a hand me down car battery could work. now pair that with a battery maintainer and you should be good for a few hours of use? I am running a 300 watt solar system hooked to two 100 amp hour batteries. I believe this system can run continuous 24-7 with my use. I do however understand some may not have space and resource for a setup like this. Also if it was a heavy use (or repeater) it would not net 24-7 continuous use without added power.
  13. Retevis rt9000 is a great GMRS 50 watt radio. been rocking mine for a year with no issue or degridation. very reasonable price point too.
  14. dugcyn


    licensed GMRS is allowed up to 50 watts. most normally run just enough power to get point a to point b. it is considered courtesy.
  15. yep my daughter ski's solo a lot. she borrowed one of my HT's. I am not getting that one back lol. she has listened to verify there is some one in range with success but does not transmit unless help is needed. thanks for posting. I think it is a great safety option.
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