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Found 22 results

  1. As with most people who post on here...I'm newish to GMRS. I've got 2 baofeng UV9Gs and I am able to quite easily program them using CHIRP. I can get them to talk to one another, I can program "Privacy" tones, (and have proven that they filter out noise on the open channels). I have tried to connect to a couple local repeaters without success. I feel like I must be doing something wrong with the input in CHIRP. When I attempt to transmit on the repeater channels, the other HT shows that I am transmitting, but no sound is produced. This is the info from the owner of the repeater (I am confident that the frequency of the repeater is correct): "The transmit tone for your radio for the repeater is transmit to the repeater DCS 226N and receive from the repeater DCS 662N." I have attached a picture from CHIRP. The repeater that I am specifically trying to hit is the second one, as it is <4 miles from my house.
  2. I am new to G-world and am programing my 3 radios. I have made a bunch of requests for entry/codes as aprt of my repeater setup. I have had really good luck on most of these requests, but have 2 outstanding for a few weeks which have remained unsnswered. Two questions.... 1) What is the general etiquette on this? The system doesn't allow any follow up until a decision is made, so not sure how to address these. and 2) I am in Eastern Mass and am really interested ingetting access to CMA 725 in Paxton and greg WSDQ286 in Norton...they are both very spacious in their coverage. Do any users have any inside info on these two assets and how to politely approach my problem. If it's just the way it goes that some you get in and some you don't, so be it, but doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the help. WSFE 677 Milton, MA
  3. I've been a HAM for a few months and I'm bored. I was a ham about 25 years ago and had the same concerns then. Anyhow, the more I explore GMRS the more I am interested. I just added my GMRS license. I've got a large UHF / VHF antenna and scan various frequencies, mostly GMRS / FRS, but I also scan EMS and the local HAM repeaters. I'm in NW Montana (in the woods) and I hear lots of nationwide traffic on 462.600. The repeater identifies as WRHS264, but the only call sign I find is WRSH264 out of Kalispell. That seems too far away for me to hear their signal so clearly. I can't find it on any repeater reference website. I also hear CW repeater identification on 462.650, 462.725, & 462.6375. I don't see them listed anywhere either. I'm interested in joining the net on 462.600 -- but I doubt my 25 watts will hit that repeater (if it's in Kalispell) and I don't know the tones for the other repeaters. I don't hear any traffic on them, anyway Interested in GMRS. I would like to learn more about Simplex Nodes, Repeaters, and the local GMRS community. Anyone else in NW Montana on GMRS? -F350
  4. Hello everyone, I was wanting to possibly start a net/hub for GMRS users in the WHITE , PUTNAM, DEKALB , and VAN BUREN County region . Currently there is little to no channels being used In this area . If possible I would like help from enthusiasts in this area to come together to make this happen and possibly connect to Oak Ridge and Lebanon repeaters to connect the state . Comment your thoughts please . I’m new to GMRS and just want to help the community grow and connect more people ! Thank you ! WRQZ406
  5. Hi, We need more GMRS repeaters to be deployed and set up around the great USA! I'd like to challenge everyone to set one up! I'd love to hear everyones opinions on this
  6. Just starting out & having a lot of problems understanding the GMRS lay out in CHIRP. I have MANY hours into this so far trying to find answers lol For instance, when a repeater gives you the input & output tones (either the DPL or Hz format so far), CHIRP does not make it easy to understand where to put these settings in their generic GMRS format. I'm also not sure if other defaults also need to be changed according to if it's Hz or DPL tones. It's VERY frustrating. I really don't mind putting in the time & effort for this but you when bang your head so much, you obviously want to stop...and my head is getting sore. I'm not a quitter though. Please, if you have time...some time...ANY time, this poor newbie needs help! ANY ADVICE! LOL Thank you in advance! bob@bpps.net
  7. So I have had some people swear up and down that LMR-400 should not be used on a repeater. That after some time the sensitivity will degrade and it "will cause noise". Now for what I use mine for, it is probably good enough. But I have researched a little bit, and found that yes, for repeaters that experience heavy use this could eventually become an issue. However, it seems that is the case for regular LMR-400. I have found that this noise is actually from wire braid coax, and that you can actually buy LMR-400 that isolates the the two shields so the wire braid is not touching the foil, and does not cause the noise. My question is, is this a serious enough problem for the average repeater owner to even care? My opinion is no.
  8. Hey All, I am new to the GMRS world. I am trying to understand what the purpose of the Rx Tones are that are listed with different repeaters. In every case that I have put the receive (Rx) tone into my radio I cannot hear the repeater anymore but I can see that my radio is lighting up like it was receiving a signal. When I take out the Rx tone I can then hear the repeater. My understanding is that receive tone is to block or screen out incoming signals on the same frequency. However, it doesn't seem to be working for me. One thing to note is that I live in Chicago and I believe I can hear multiple repeaters that are on the same frequency a lot of the time. So what am I not understanding about Receiver tone from repeaters? Any help is apprciated. Cheers!
  9. Does anyone know if there is means to export the repeater list as a CSV file? Or if it's already available in that format? I'd like to have a hard copy of the repeaters not only in my area but areas that I'll be traveling to as well. Thanks, James
  10. I've had my gmrs mobile radio a little over two weeks and my license about the same amount of time.. I have only been listening, so far and honestly have learned some cool stuff. I was on channel 18 on my tiny frs handheld and stumbled onto a regularly scheduled net every Wednesday @ 19:30. I have a lot to learn but these guys on the Technical Net (frq. 146.820 K7LED) were clearly HAM operators not using a gmrs repeater but talking all things gmrs. I would one day like to be a part of those kinds of discussions. I am in the Seattle and it looks like gmrs repeaters are not that abundant. Do any of you participate in net repeater discussions on gmrs repeaters in your areas? I've also started to detect a bit of arrogance in the HAM community towards gmrs. Still trying to find my niche. Comments? Thoughts? WRMH268.
  11. Hello, GMRS folks! I'm new to GMRS. Long history with CB back in the 70's and 80's. Got my GMRS license and am currently playing around with a pair of Midland GXT1000's. I realize they are not repeater-capable radios. For now, I'm just curious if there are any active repeaters around me before I consider buying a radio with repeater capabilities. The map and listings here on myGMRS show a few repeaters nearby, but I haven't heard any conversations going on. Am I correct that by monitoring channels 15-22 on my Midland GXT's I am hearing what would be coming out of any repeaters in my area? I understand that non-repeater conversations can also be conducted on these channels. Thanks for any responses you can provide.
  12. I have noticed that the repeater listings show quite a few repeaters that do not show up at all on the map. So I guess it's best to use the listings and search filters rather than the map. Not sure if the map will get updated or if the repeater owner chooses whether or not to be shown on the map. Vince
  13. I am new to this. I have noticed that some licensees have multiple repeaters and they use the same call sign and just a -1, -2, -3 at the end. I am thinking of using multiple repeaters linked to keep all the family together over a 100 mile radius. Do I need 2 or 3 FCC Licenses?
  14. History: Purchased Baofeng to listen to police radio - can't as its encrypted and digital. Looked into getting HAM License, looks too hard and my family members worn't ever take the test - since I only want to converse with family members found GMRS. Paid for license and did range test with my son (he has another Baofeng) and only got half a mile. Live in Bluffton, SC with no GMRS Repeaters at all. Questions: 1) Can Ham repeaters be set up to dually support a GMRS frequency if I ask nicely? Or can they only repeat one frequency at a time? 2) What needs to happen so I can talk to my family 10 miles away? 3) If I only use my 5 watt Baofeng to chat on GMRS channels and only listen to HAM channels is that OK legally? Thanks all! I'm happy to be part of this forum! Nick WRFF874
  15. I have a repeater, Motorola 50 watt, cellwave 6 cavity band pass notch duplexer - 38 watt output after duplexer. My brother now has a repeater 50 watt Motorola with vertex standard 6 cavity notch duplexer. Our frequencies will be about 14mhz apart. mine - 462's and his - 448's I use dx 400 max coax with a slim jim He will use lmr 400 not sure about antenna??? Looking for some opinions about antenna spacing??? I have a vertical 20' pole mount on the 20' roof Should we flip a coin and see who will be low man on a vertical split totem pole???? and how far apart? or can we go horizontal with another mount??? I've heard of two repeaters sharing an antenna... but commercial repeaters set ups by bridgecom... Any recommendations??? thank you 301
  16. Does anyone know if there are any reliable and active GMRS repeaters in the Klamath Basin, either in southwest Oregon, or in northern California?
  17. Hi Everyone, I'm relatively new to the site. I have been searching older threads and haven't seen my exact question answered so here it goes: I am hoping to set up a backup communications system so in the event of an emergency, I will be able to communicate with my parents who live about 12 miles away and my in laws who live about 16 miles away. We are all in northern Dallas area suburbs, in a highly developed, and fairly flat area. I have my technician license and GMRS. I haven't done much with either. That will change. But for now, it is what it is. A fellow CERT member programmed my BaoFeng UV5R hand held. If it weren't for that I would have zero experience w/ HAM. Thanks to his assistance I have been listening to several DFW repeaters, and jumped in on a couple of CERT nets. It looks like we have several GMRS repeaters in the area, some of which could potentially cover an area that should reach all 3 households. The Baofeng is the only radio I have at present. From what I've read on these threads, I should not be using that for GMRS bands. Good to know! My family members have zero chance of getting a technician license, otherwise our distances would not be an issue. My reading of GMRS rules indicate they could probably be covered under my license but just to make sure there are no issues, I plan to pay for each house to get their own GMRS license. I also plan to buy each house their own radio. I'm leaning toward the Midland MTX400. My hope is that with these fairly powerful radios (40 watts), and some decent antennas we will all be able to communicate in an emergency via repeaters, and hopefully via simplex. So I guess what I'm hoping to get from posting is some ideas from some of you who are much more experienced then me on the feasibility of my plan. Does anyone have any experience getting these newer midland radios to link up with repeaters? Is it complicated? Does anyone have any experience using MTX400 radios for simplex communications in a comparable environment? If so what kind of range can I expect? I don't know if I should expect 3 miles or 20. Any suggestions on an affordable off the shelf antennae that will work well but be easy to set up? 2 new licenses, 3 radios, and 3 decent antennas is a significant investment for me. Any recommendations on cheaper or more importantly better radios to meet my objective? Simplicity is the name of the game here. I am pretty new to the radio world, and my family members know even less than I do. Any ideas you could pass along would be much appreciated!!!
  18. Hello everyone Kind of new here. Joined last fall, was hot and heavy with it but got frustrated because I couldnt figure out how to connect with repeaters. I built a 60 foot tower, ran the LMR400, a 50 watt radio, the works. I can hear a group talking pretty far away from me. Im in a suburb of cincinnati and they are out in Franklin which is going towards Dayton. About a 30-40 minute drive. Anyhow, Ive watched countless videos on youtube, I read a GMRS for dummies book and I still cant make contact. I know its a simple setting issue. I have what I think is the proper plus 5 offset. Heres something thats odd to me. I have the GMRS channels saved in my radio. It doesnt show the frequency numbers on channel mode. When in channel mode why doesnt the settings like the offsets and such operate? They seem to only operate when Im in frequency mode? So when Im in channel I can scan thru all the gmrs channels and when I hear someone, I try to make contact. Nothing! So thats when I noticed that my offset wasnt working. I learned that only in frequency mode does the offset work. So I dial in the correct frequency to match that particular channel and 1st- it doesnt seem to be as clear but 2nd- I still cant make contact. The people just keep talking over me while I try to chime in. Can someone please help! What am I doing wrong? thx for any help in advance.
  19. Are any of the GMRS networks throughout the US have a relationship with local law enforcement? The ability to communicate emergency information is an obvious advantage of any network, but who is listening or able to react to an emergency call situation. Are there networks who have approached local authorities and were brushed off? Just trying to gather information about what some groups may have encountered regarding this topic. Thanks for any and all input.
  20. Needing a little help with a new GMRS radio and use of a local repeater. I am in Greenville, SC. Licensed GMRS "WQNF353" for several years, but really never used GMRS frequencies. Interested in setting up so I can speak and work with several friends using a network around Greenville. AM aware of a local repeater which is set to transmit on 462.725 and the repeater recieves on an offset of 5 megahz . I don't know if a tone is required and need help figuring out if and how to use. Using a Baofeng UV-5x3 and have the radio set to send and recieve using the offset. The local repeater is owner is ZULU725 and I need to know how to get in touch with owner off frequency. Have attempted a call to his sign but thinking I might be needign a "tone" to set his repeater to "ON" Any helpful ideas are appreciated.
  21. For people who often take road trips or often travel through states, it would be a good idea to have a state name plus it's open repeaters that travelers can program into their radios for road trips. If your traveling tomorrow you can program the freqs and pls without going thought the trouble of emails that you won't get back till a few days. It would be very convenient for everyone. Just a thought.
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