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KG-805G trying to Access Repeater w/ 445 DPL?


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Don't see that option in the KG-805g software

To access the repeater states: OPEN 462.625 445 DPL


The SW has DN445 and DI445 under QT/DQT not sure which way to go with this to access the repeater



Thanks for the help in advance


(Edited the qt/dqt part as I was left field wrong on the meaning; see n1das post below. Left the second part because it largely stands, minus minor corrections to the menu items)



Since you can change it from the radio menu (it'll be "T-DCS" in the menu), i'd set it for D445N first (normal); if that doesn't work, use the menu to change it to D445I (inverted).

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I agree with wayoverthere suggestion... BUT if that does not work what I learned from my 805G is best to go back to factory settings then add just the channels and not the PL codes but do them via the HT menu for the DCS.  Hope that helps from me having same issue... Just a work around.



Edit:  Then upload radio settings to software files.

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I agree with wayoverthere suggestion... BUT if that does not work what I learned from my 805G is best to go back to factory settings then add just the channels and not the PL codes but do them via the HT menu for the DCS.  Hope that helps from me having same issue... Just a work around.



Edit:  Then upload radio settings to software files.

if it's something you're going to use regularly, definitely worth adding to its own memory slot once you get it figured out.


my setup is the base 30 presets, my 3 local repeaters (2 of them on .625 with different tones), and then a second set of repeater channels (as "new 15r" through "new 22r") to have an extra set when traveling.

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QT is dealing with sending a tone on transmit, DQT is listening for a tone on receive.  it'll be the transmit tone that's your "key" to accessing the repeater, so focus there. 


Since you can change it from the radio menu (it'll be "T-DCS" in the menu), i'd set it for DN445 first (normal); if that doesn't work, use the menu to change it to DI445 (inverted).


  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  Uhhh...NO.


QT is Kenwood's Quiet Tone, aka CTCSS/PL. (analog tone)

DQT is Kenwood's Digital Quiet Tone, aka DCS/DPL. (digital code)


DN445 is what you need to encode on transmit.  DCS 445 normal is often listed as D445N.  T-DCS DN445 should work. The N (normal) and I (inverted) refer to the polarity of the DCS waveform.


This is my favorite technical reference for DCS:



Other DCS information:




For the current ETSI Standard TS 103 236 Continuous Tone Controlled Signalling System (CTCSS) and Digitally Coded Squelch Signalling (DCSS) document, check out the ETSI Standards search page and search for ETSI TS 103 236.

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:huh: :huh: :huh: Uhhh...NO.


QT is Kenwood's Quiet Tone, aka CTCSS/PL. (analog tone)

DQT is Kenwood's Digital Quiet Tone, aka DCS/DPL. (digital code)


DN445 is what you need to encode on transmit. DCS 445 normal is often listed as D445N. T-DCS DN445 should work. The N (normal) and I (inverted) refer to the polarity of the DCS waveform.


This is my favorite technical reference for DCS:



Other DCS information:




For the current ETSI Standard TS 103 236 Continuous Tone Controlled Signalling System (CTCSS) and Digitally Coded Squelch Signalling (DCSS) document, check out the ETSI Standards search page and search for ETSI TS 103 236.

Thanks for setting me straight.guess I had that a bit off in my head
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