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Repeater Issue



I'm having an issue with my QYT KT8900D not broadcasting to repeaters.  I have a handheld (Baoufang) radio that is broadcasting to the desired repeater that I have copied the channel information from to my QYT and I can not figure out why my QYT won't broadcast to the repeater.  I can receive on the mobile but not broadcast.  I'm fairly certain it isn't broadcasting on any of the repeaters I have programmed.  Any insight on what my issue might be would be greatly appreciated. 


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I know this post is 2 years old, but the only way to get a qyt kt-9800d to transmit over a gmrs repeater is to use whiskeycharlie codes . power up the radio and hold the fm button and enter 1260350 when it asks for a code ... the radio must be put into ham mode ... tested and it works

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On 6/9/2022 at 1:19 PM, WRQU355 said:

Shameless plug here. I have a couple TK-880H-1 for sale :) Message if interested.

If people would stop buying CCR crap equipment and buy decent radio equipment such as Motorola and/or Kenwood for use on GMRS freqs and use the appropriate  manufactures' proprietary software you won't have near the problems that people have stated in the various postings in this forum. Everything is a lot more clear and straight forward with the programming procedures.

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11 hours ago, BoxCar said:

Motorola and Kenwood are good brands but you are also paying a premium price for their brand name. As a great many consumer grade radios are made in China, Malaysia, and other countries with low cost labor, it doesn't always pay to always shop brands. Some of the Chinese radios are every bit as good as your favorites but your rant reminds me of the early PC days when the mantra among IT people was "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM." There were (and still are) PCs that not only rivalled the IBM brand but surpassed their products with greater reliability and features,

Cheap Chinese junk doesn't have nearly the features and reliability factor and an accessory support and customer service and repair centers like the Motorola and Kenwood. If you want  to buy cheap junk from Amazon I don't care. 

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