Over the years I have acquired a few antennas, Is there any way to identify which would do UHF Gmrs, which are 10/11 meter, which are 2M ? I was goofing around on a Ham equipment site last night after a few adult beverages. I saw a antenna matcher, supposedly whatever freq you transmit on it matches it for optimum SWR and impedance. It wasn't cheap, but with all the multi band, or any band radios, with on heck of a frequency range... I guess you could do it all with one antenna?
If I used the wrong terminology or misspelled anything, I'm not a Ham operator. I spent years OTR using CB everything from "converted 10M" to Pres. Bill, alot of Cobra and Unidens. Yes I've played in the "prepper bands" or "free bands" Retired now with too much free time on my hands. LOL
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Over the years I have acquired a few antennas, Is there any way to identify which would do UHF Gmrs, which are 10/11 meter, which are 2M ? I was goofing around on a Ham equipment site last night after a few adult beverages. I saw a antenna matcher, supposedly whatever freq you transmit on it matches it for optimum SWR and impedance. It wasn't cheap, but with all the multi band, or any band radios, with on heck of a frequency range... I guess you could do it all with one antenna?
If I used the wrong terminology or misspelled anything, I'm not a Ham operator. I spent years OTR using CB everything from "converted 10M" to Pres. Bill, alot of Cobra and Unidens. Yes I've played in the "prepper bands" or "free bands" Retired now with too much free time on my hands. LOL
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