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Window cable pass-through


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I happened across this window cable pass-through jumper (PN CMA-CTC-50M) from DX Engineering:  https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/cma-ctc-50m?seid=dxese1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_P6dBhD1ARIsAAGI7HA7gydQdcvavKhoxfEmf5r4LseuOXmH6mzKLW72iOy2W4H2pa1hZA8aAvtrEALw_wcB

It's not hard to imagine that something like that might be more problematic than beneficial, and clearly it is a band-aid rather than a long-term solution, but I am wondering if anyone has used the DX engineering jumper, or something similar to the PaneRelief from QSRadio (below), and been pleasantly surprised at the results.  

Are they worth the cost...or more trouble than good?


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Thank you fellows.

I still have some concerns regarding longevity, but I think I will give the CTC-50M a try on my base unit.

Here are a couple of other videos showing initial use of the the flat cable pass-thru.  I haven't found any reviews that discuss how long the product lasts, or if it degrades performance.  I will let you know what I find.



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It probably wouldn’t be wise to put it on a window that you open and close often, but other than that I cannot think of any reason it wouldn’t have a long life.  The pass through portion is metal and seems quite durable.  The losses are published.  I haven’t experienced any degradation to the SO-239 on the external wall.  Both SO-239 connectors are permanently attached to the wall.  I suppose you could paint the exposed metal to enhance weather resistance.

There are other alternatives:

  1. a very long barrel connector that goes through the exterior wall.  All of the online radio stores carry them. They’re not very expensive, but you need to do some drilling and sealing.
  2. Or the MFJ panels that slide in next to your window and provide multiple types of connections. That’s the most expensive option, but provides a lot of flexibility.
  3. A panel box with a pass-through conduit.  That’s actually the best way because it usually includes a copper ground plate and lightning protection, but it requires the most physical changes to your house.
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Lord knows I am not afraid to modify a house.  I have perforated, ventilated, and fenestrated every wall repeatedly in years of remodeling.

For the purpose of future portability, I am not sure I am ready to put in multiple stubs just so I can occasionally relocate my base unit. 

The more I look at these jumpers, the more it makes sense to utilize one for the current house, where the windows really don't get actuated often.  The next house will get stubs.

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