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Tower/Building locations


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Those folks that have repeaters on towers/buildings, how have you been successful in repeater placement? What do you do to convince owners to allow you to put up a repeater. I have tower space and a building,but have not been able to get anything else (and I am thankful). But I want to hear what others have done. 

Steve N2DMR/WQLP990

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Wait, you HAVE a tower and building and want a repeater there?

Is this YOUR tower site or something that belongs to others that you have permission to be on?

If this is YOUR site, where is it, and how tall is it?  Getting equipment can be difficult, depending on your financial ability to afford it, but there are ways to get money together to get it done.  There might also be an option for others to provide some or all of the needed equipment if it makes sense to put a repeater on the site. 


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One thing you'll need to take into account for any /shared/ tower is that you will have to have an RF Exposure evaluation performed. For a single repeater on a tower, that is relatively easy -- but as soon as you have multiple transmitters on that tower you must take into account ALL of them, including any potential mixing products from different frequencies. The single transmitter case can be done with most antenna modelling software (provided a reasonably accurate model of the antenna and maybe the tower too), but multiple transmitters may require on-site examination with various calibrated sensors... $$$


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/24/2023 at 6:53 PM, gscanter said:

I have several ham and GMRS repeaters. One is on a building already. I have asked and asked other places but have made no headway. I have tower access for ham stuff but nothing else can be added. 

Just looking for ideas and what has worked for other folks after being turned down so much

Keep checking.  But are you offering them anything in return for access.  Sometimes even site maintenance (mowing the grass and maintaining the building is enough).

Far as can't add anything else to the site.  Is it that you can't add antenna's or can't even add equipment in the building?

If you have two UHF antenna's on the tower, there are options for adding more repeaters, but you have meet certain requirements to make it work like the antenna's need to NOT be at the same level. 

I have two antenna's on my tower and have 4 repeaters connected to those two antenna's.  One antenna acts as a receive antenna and the other one is for transmit.  It gets a bit complicated, and can be rather expensive, but it's certainly possible to do, since I am doing it. 


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