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linked nodes repeating last words


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Hello all,

 Wondering if anyone out here has an answer for this, I have my links setup and the audio adjusted and they sound great but the one issue I'm having is after every key-up, after the person transmitting lets go of the key, the last second or so of audio gets repeated back into the system and everybody can hear the last couple of words said an additional time. From what I can tell the repeating is only happening at 1 repeater site. I have looked at allstar asterisk forums and have tried the 2 things I found but nothing has helped.



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Make sure that the repeater is configured as a base station and not a repeater in the programming.

There is an audio delay in the system from time to time due to network latency where you can hear yourself.  But for it to be there twice indicates a loop of some kind.  Also make sure if you have multiple repeaters, they are NOT BOTH linked to other repeaters creating a loop. 

Meaning don't link your repeaters together and then individually link each repeater to a third repeater, or in the case of a large system like MidWest, link them together and then individually to other repeaters in the system thinking you are setting up some sort of redundancy.  It creates loops.

The proper way of linking repeaters if you have multiples.

Link YOUR repeaters together in some fashion.  Either a STAR configuration where multiple repeaters are all linked to the lowest numerical node number you have or link them in a line where repeater A is linked to B, C is linked to B, D is linked to C.  DO NOT link them in a mesh configuration where A is linked to B, C and D then B linked to C and D and so on.  Maximum of TWO links per node if linking in an A <> B <> C <> D configuration.  Then link ONE repeater to a HUB or State Node.  And don't link to more than one HUB unless you are getting permission from a higher power and other repeater owners on those HUBS as you will be tying them together through your links. 





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Thank you for the reply. There are only 2 repeaters in the system. 2 Kenwood TKR-851's. they have acted as stand alone repeaters in the area. My thought is is that if I switch them to base station mode then the won't repeat the local traffic.  All the other info you talked about makes sense. I have played with the rxdelay in the software, played with tail times.  Everything else is working properly except for hearing the last second or so of the last persons transmission repeater a second time.  Also it seems to only happen at 1 of the repeater sites. the other site doesn't seem to be affected, at least that is what the locals are telling me.


Thanks again.


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Well the node controller should have control of the PTT on the repeater. And it will allow local repeat function, so I would highly advise you to set the repeaters as base stations and run them that way. 

Are these both in close proximity to each other and have a similar coverage footprint?  If so you might consider running one as a linked repeater to the system of your choosing and leave the other one as a stand alone for local traffic.    If the coverage is the same of very similar then it's a waste of resources to have them both linked to the same system taking up two different repeater pairs with matching traffic on them. 

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